December 8, 2022 Meeting Minutes
Download a PDF of the minutes here
Call to Order -Brad Eike
Brad called the meeting to order at 7:05pm and led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call -Lane Heatherwick
Lane called the roll. There were 8 directors, and 23 members and guests present.
Secretary's Report -Charlie Kestel
Brad asked if everyone had received their minutes, and if there were any additions or corrections. There were several copies available. Jeff made a motion to accept the minutes as published. Roger seconded that motion, and it was passed by all present.
Treasure's Report -Fred Lestina
Fred reported income of $244 coming from donations, dues, monthly meeting donations, and raffle tickets, minus the purchase of two pedal tractor wagons. Expenses amounted to $1690. This came from advertising bill, club expenses for fuel, web site expense, and banner purchase. We also paid the Peotone FFA for their help in parking at our show, and payments to our excellent announcers. This brought us to an overall total of [-$1446.] John Cronin made a motion to accept the report as presented. Steve Spiess seconded the motion, and it was passed by all present.
Old Business
Brad announced that Larry See passed away last week. He also was in contact with the woman in Rockdale who has coal for us, and she would like us to wait till spring to remove it from her basement, she felt that it was too cold now.
Thank you to Lane for picking up our flag from the bank meeting room.
Bob, Russ, and Lane have refreshed the sign on the threshing machine, and it is looking good again.
The pedal tractors will have umbrellas this year. There was one displayed at the meeting, and we think it will get a lot of attention.
We were reminded that we need to pay the Auxiliary Police $300 for their help with the tractor ride.
New Business
Andy Rousonelos and Phillip Anzelc wanted to know if there was any interest in a day trip, possibly in Feb. or March. John Deere is not offering tours at this time, but it was suggested that we investigate whether Case, in Racine, is offering them. It is estimated that it will cost about $65 per person for the bus, plus lunch. Are there any other suggestions?
Lane is working on the tractor ride. He is hoping to have it on June 10, or 17th. He is hoping to start it at the #150 Union Hall, and head west. It is still a work in progress.
The Christmas Party will be held in the church fellowship hall at 1pm January 8, 2023.
Our food schedule for this year is: A -F Desserts
G – M Salads, Deviled Eggs, or Rolls
N -S Hot Potatoes or Stuffing
T -Z Vegetable Side Dishes
Charlie and Lane will cook turkey, and Bob and Larry will provide ham. The Club will provide Pop, water, coffee, and table service.
Don’t forget that silent auction items are needed. Also bring your spending money.
The Green Club held their Christmas party on December 14th.
Jay and Lane are working on a Fairbanks/Morse Model Z 6 horse engine. Hopefully it can be displayed with our Cook engine at the show.
Brian is looking for historical donations
Brad’s Comments
Brad would again like to thank the bakers, who provide us with many delectable goodies that we enjoy after the meetings.
Larry Marek and Pat Noonan made a motioned to adjourn the meeting. It was passed by all present.
Upcoming Events
January 8, 2023 Christmas Party 1 PM Wilton Federated Church - Members and Member Families Only