October 13, 2022 Meeting Minutes

Download a PDF of the minutes here

Call to Order                                                                  -Brad Eike

Our meeting was called to order by President Brad Eike at 7:02 pm and was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call                                                                          -Lane Heatherwick

Lane called the roll.  There were 10 directors, and 19 members and guests present.

Secretary's Report                                                                   -Charlie Kestel

Brad asked if everyone had received their minutes, and if there was any additions or corrections. There were several copies available. Ron made a motion to accept the minutes as published. Dave Smit seconded that motion, and it was passed by all present.

Treasure's Report                                                                    -Fred Lestina

Fred reported income of $200, which came from a donation from “Tractors for a Cure”, for the use of our people mover. Our total expenses came to $6984.90. The Weekly Review charged us $63, Club expenses were $6284.90, with charges for scale parts, Jess for web-site expenses, Sam’s Club, Aldi’s, Walmart, and Lee’s Rental. Printing 500 cards, and a charge from Matt Fields for painting the corn crib. This leaves us with a balance of $14,438.31 in our checkbook. Jeff made a motion to accept the report as presented, with Jay seconding that motion. It was passed by all present. Fred mentioned that we have our checking account with the Grundy Bank in Wilmington.

Old Business

  • Since Brian Kestel and Andy Rousonelos are the new directors among us, Brad asked them to introduce themselves, and explain how they connect with the WCTA. Brian’s Grandfather, and Father were a part of the beginnings of our club. Brian wants to keep the tradition alive. Andy is a farmer himself and has attended the show his entire life. He is also interested in keeping the old ways alive for future generations.

  • The Corn crib was power washed by Ron and Bob to prepare it for painting. Jim, Matt’s helper, sanded the crib wherever it needed it, then Matt Fields and Jim painted it with 2 coats of primer, and a coat of FS paint. Thanks to Steve for the use of a generator for this job.

  • Dennis, and his crew of volunteers filled the crib on October 29th. Thanks to Ron Schubbe, Jay Roesel, Bob Homerding, Charlie, Jack Toepper, Russ Jacobs, Andy Rousonelos, and Dennis Christiansen for supplying all the necessary equipment and labor for the job.

  • The Schaaf Auction went well. Thanks to all the volunteers who worked for three days as parking attendants. Preview was held on Thursday, toys and dolls sold on Friday, and tractors were auctioned on Saturday.

  • Minneapolis-Moline will be our featured tractor this coming year. We have placed 2 full page ads in the Prairie Gold Rush magazine for $225. We have also placed a ½ page ad in the Show directory for $565. Jeff and Brian suggested that we feature lawn mowers or small engines. It was discussed, and a motion was made by Brian and John Cronin to feature single cylinder stationary engines, all makes and models. It was passed by all present.

  • It was pointed out that the sign on the thresher needs to be refreshed.  Alan offered to take it down and get it repainted. He also reminded us that the office trailer floor needs some repair.

  • Jay and Bob cleaned out the wagon that holds split wood. It is the last thing to be fit into the Hiller shed.

  • Cory and Jeff provided some special nozzles to Bob for use in redesigning the water wagons. It will give better coverage.

New Business

  • Brad announced that we will have 2 tables, to sell raffle tickets, at the Newark Toy Show. Dyersville Show is the 1st weekend in November, and we need to get 2 wagons for our pedal tractors. Matt and Pat Quigley have offered to donate implements for behind the tractors, but we thought it would be too fragile to offer to kids.

  • Jess commented that we’re becoming more self-sufficient with Andy taking over some clerical duties, and the web site.

  • Lane suggested that we display a tractor, with our Threshermens sign, at either the Peotone Ford dealer, or Peotone Berkots. Bill Heinz has offered his Ford 9N for this purpose. Brian suggested we display our Cook engine and burr mill at the Tractor Supply on a Saturday in the spring.

  • Jess mentioned that there will be a Christmas Parade held in Manhattan on the first Saturday in December.

  • John Cronin mentioned that Ron Kramer, who hauls logs for us, is closing his sawmill on Rt 6. We need to think about securing logs. We also have a sawmill stored at Wayne Hossbach’s farm.

Brad’s Comments

  • Brad has been contacted by a lady in Rockdale, who has offered us a ton of lump coal for free, if we can organize a bucket brigade to get it out of her basement. We hope to try this in December or January.

  • Brad is also looking for a club historian volunteer. Brian said he would be willing.  Anyone having donations to our history, see Brian.

  • A vote was taken, and it was decided to hold our Christmas Party on January 8,2023.  More details next month.


Jack Toepper motioned to adjourn the meeting.  It was seconded by Larry and was passed by all present.

Upcoming Events

  • Nov. 10,2022      Member meeting    7PM     Wilton Federated Church

  • November 20th Newark Toy Show

  • December 8,2022   Member Meeting   7pm      Wilton Federated Church

  • January 8, 2023     Christmas Party    1 PM      Wilton Federated Church

See more pictures in our Gallery Page


November 10, 2022 Meeting Minutes


September 11, 2022 Meeting Minutes