December 14th, 2023

Download a PDF of the minutes here

Call to Order

Brad called the meeting to order at 7:02pm, and led us in the Pledge of Allegiance


Roll Call                                                                       -Lane Heatherwick

Andy called the roll. There were 9 directors, and 27 members and guests present.


Secretary's Report                                                     -Andy Rousonelos

Brad asked if everyone had received their minutes, and if there were any additions or corrections. There were several copies available. Ron made a motion to accept the minutes as published. Larry seconded that motion, and it was passed by all present.


Treasure's Report                                                       -Fred Lestina

Fred reported we had income from dues of $25, and donations of $2,295 in memorial of Richard Lorenz. For expenses, we paid $375 for more tickets for the Pedal Tractor raffle, $30 to Guides Group to be listed in their show directory, $50.90 for lunches while filling the corn crib, $750 for an antique Joliet 4-hole corn sheller, and $2000 for a New Idea 2 row corn picker. Alan made a motion to accept the report as read, it was seconded by David, and passed by all present.


Old Business

Fred read a letter that was sent to us by the family of Richard Lorenz, stating how much he and his wife enjoyed our show every year, and that they had asked for all memorial donations to be made to our club.

Brian and Jax represented us in the Manhattan Parade of Lights for Christmas and had a nice float with an inflatable Santa driving a tractor with our banner behind it.

Brad reported that he has 5 FFA Chapters interested in participating with our Human Tractor Pull competition at the show. Alan has started all of the paperwork for it.

Brad reported that the Newark toy show went well, and we sold 109 tickets. Chuck Uthe and Russ & Sharon Jacobs helped to sell tickets.

It was announced that the club purchased a New Idea 2-row corn picker to use for filling the crib, and it is currently at Charlies. It needs some light repairs but is in fair condition.

Jeff Brandau shared a story about filling his grandfathers corn crib this year with surplus shelled corn. The crib started as a large barn built in 1905, which his grandfather converted into a crib sometime in the 1960’s. In the 1990’s it was converted to shelled corn storage and can hold 9000BU of ear corn or 22000 bushels of shelled corn. Jeff said that his grandfather was in the shelling business, so he set the crib up for easy shelling. It had Whitmores for unloading and required very little shoveling.

Our Ad has been wrong in the Farm Collector show book ad for two years, and we have been working with them to correct this. We will be refunded $565, and our ad will run for free this year.


New Business

The show schedule was updated, as there have been complaints that we were not following it consistently. Thursday the parade was moved to 1PM, and afternoon threshing was moved from 3 to 2, and afternoon shelling moved from 4:30 to 3:30. Friday reflected the same changes to threshing and shelling. Saturday, the Parade will be at 1, and the kids pedal pull at 2. The threshing will be at 2:30 and the Human tractor pull will run at the same time. Shelling is moved to 3:30, and the sweet corn steaming was cancelled as it has lost money more than profited historically. Sunday does not have any changes. The new schedule also reads that field work is scheduled for 1-3 daily, weather permitting. Morning field work may be decided at the show.

The club will join the Peotone Chamber of Commerce, as it already is a member of the Manhattan Chamber of Commerce. It will cost $80, and they will advertise our show. A motion was made by Ray and seconded by Alan. It was passed by all present.

It was asked if the club should switch the dues from September to July. It was decided to remain in September because that is when our Fiscal year starts and ends, and when we hold our election.

Russ Jacobs will be selling Pedal Tractor raffle tickets at the Peotone FFA Alum auction. If anybody would like to help, please see Russ.

Terry Seggebruch in Morris has offered us a tour of his vast tractor collection in February, Brad will be making the arrangements. There will be a pre-1960 class added to the tractor pull in the 9000LBS class to accommodate the two-cylinder John Deere pullers. The garden pull 2500 class has also been updated to 2700lbs.

EJ Johnson announced that Berkots Grocery Stores would like to become a sponsor.

The Christmas Party is scheduled for Sunday, January 14. Charlie & Lane will bring Turkey, and Bob & Larry will make Ham. The Christmas Party is for Members and their friends and family only. For this event, we ask attendees to bring a dish to share based on the first letter of your last name: A-F salads, deviled eggs or rolls; G-M hot potatoes or stuffing; N-S vegetable side dishes; T-Z desserts. The Club will provide Pop, water, coffee, and table service. If you have questions or need to coordinate a silent auction donation, please contact. Silent Auction donation item ideas: baked goods, gift cards, memorabilia, gift baskets, event tickets, crafts, private tours, unique items, or experiences.



Pat made a motion to adjourn the meeting. It was seconded by Dave Smit and was passed by all present.


January 14                 WCTA Member Christmas Party   Wilton Church Hall      1 PM     

The Christmas Party is for Members and their friends and family only. For this even, we ask attendees to bring a dish to share based on the first letter of your last name: A-F salads, deviled eggs or rolls; G-M hot potatoes or stuffing; N-S vegetable side dishes; T-Z desserts. The Club will provide Pop, water, coffee, and table service. If you have questions or need to coordinate a silent auction donation, please contact Brad Eike 815-378-3674 or email Silent Auction donation item ideas: baked goods, gift cards, memorabilia, gift baskets, event tickets, crafts, private tours, unique items or experiences.

February 9 Wilton Church Hall 7 PM

March 14 Wilton Church Hall 7 PM

See more pictures in our Gallery Page


January 14th, 2024


November 9th, 2023