February 9, 2023 Meeting Minutes

Download a PDF of the minutes here

Call to Order                                                                  -Brad Eike

Brad called the meeting to order at 7:03pm, and led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call                                                                          -Lane Heatherwick

Brad called the roll. There were 10 directors, and 22 members and guests present.

Secretary's Report                                                        -Charlie Kestel

Brad asked if everyone had received their minutes, and if there were any additions or corrections. There were several copies available. Terry made a motion to accept the minutes as published. Ron seconded that motion, and it was passed by all present.

Treasure's Report                                                          -Fred Lestina

Fred reported income of $1270.23. Donations amounted to $550, and silent auction brought another $1100, minus expenses for our pedal tractor raffle of $379.77. Our expenses amounted to $923.75. We paid $295 for advertising, $10 for the annual report, club expense of $318.75, and a $300 show expense, leaving an overall total of $346.48. A motion was made by Jack Stuffle to accept the report as presented. It was seconded by John Cronin and was passed by all present.

Old Business

  • Andy reported they are making progress on our  June 10th Tractor Ride. We will be starting from the lower-level parking lot at the #150 Operators Union Training Center. The planned route has been approved by the sheriff’s office as well. As more information becomes available, it will be published.

  • Charlie reported that he was in touch with the new owners of Mike Hillery’s sled, and they have us on their schedule. Our scale is put together, but untried until drier weather. Steve will have a skid steer available to move weights during the pull. Hopefully weigh in will begin at 8:30 with the pull starting at 10:00 am. We plan to pull the first 3 classes in the morning, with a break for lunch. The Parade of Power has been moved to 1 PM, followed by the remaining classes.

  • The club is registered in the St. Patrick’s Parade in Manhattan, on March 4th at 11AM.  We will put our float together at our assigned spot, with our pedal tractors on display and hopefully ridden by Henry’s kids. We will also have the Cook engine following us.  Walkers will be handing out candy and advertising sheets for our show.

  • Fred painted wagon and parts at Andy’s and brought them in to display. Brad and Fred went to the Paxton Toy Show to pick up a MM toy to donate to the FFA silent auction, where we sold raffle tickets.

  • We need volunteers to sell raffle tickets at the Serena, Sublette, and Seneca Toy shows. Any time you can donate will give other volunteers a chance to take a break. Please contact Brad if you are interested in helping.

  • Colleen Kestel is looking for unique seasonal equipment photos to put in the calendar.  We will display all of them, and then vote for the best 12 photos at a meeting. Please send photos to CKestel@systemicwell.com by April 1st.

  • At this meeting, Russ and Bob Satterlee brought vintage toys, and Andy and Fred brought pictures and albums for us to view.

  • Brian introduced Marty Puig as our newest member.

New Business

  • Andy reported on notes from Jess, that the web site is updated for the show, and “Amazon Smile” donation service has been discontinued.

  • Jay says that the club’s Fairbank – Morse 6 horse engine has been taken apart and fitted with a cooling system. It still needs a fuel tank. They hope to run a burr mill with it.

  • We have been invited to participate in a July 2 [4th] parade in Manhattan. The Veterans Wall will be on display too.

  • Terry had tickets for “Tractors for A Cure’ available for $5.00.

  • John Kestel reported that there is a fundraiser for a “Gold Star Family Award.” Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery has 70,000 veterans buried there, and now they have more cremations than burials there.

  • Russ is looking for a JD model “M” to be used for parts.

  • We are sad to announce the passing of Joann Helene Eike, Mother of WCTA President Brad Eike on March 3, 2023. Obituary information is available here: https://www.dunnfamilyfuneralhome.com/obituaries/Joann-Helene-Eike?obId=27425554


Russ and Pat made a motioned to adjourn the meeting. It was passed by all present.

Upcoming Events

  • Serena Toy Show                                  March 5

  • Membership Meeting                           March 9, Wilton Federated Church Hall, 7 PM

  • Sublette Toy Show                                March 18 – 19

  • Seneca Toy Show                                 March 26

  • Membership Meeting April 10, Wilton Federated Church Hall, 7 PM

  • Membership Meeting May 11, Wilton Federated Church Hall, 7 PM

See more pictures in our Gallery Page


March 9, 2023 Meeting Minutes


January 8, 2023 Meeting Minutes