April 11th, 2024
Download a PDF of the minutes here
Call to Order
Brad called the meeting to order at 7:02pm, and led us in the Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call -Lane Heatherwick
Lane called the roll. There were 9 directors, and 34 members and guests present.
Secretary's Report -Andy Rousonelos
Brad asked if everyone had received their minutes, and if there were any additions or corrections. Pat made a motion to accept the minutes as published. Jean seconded that motion, and it was passed by all present.
Treasure's Report -Fred Lestina
Fred reported we had income of $50 from dues, $100 in donations, and $695 from the pedal tractor raffle. Expenses included $910 for 3000 70 tractor drive hats, $1267 as a 1/3 installment payment for the show tents, and $210 for the J.I. Case mugs. Terry made a motion to accept the report as read, it was seconded by Steve, and it was passed by all present.
Old Business
Brad announced that longtime member Roy Sangmeister passed away on March 31 at 78 years old.
Andy reported that the Wheel Packer was still a work in progress at Anzelc’s, and we still need donations towards tires to put on it. Donations above $100 qualify the donor to have their name put on the side.
Alan will be handing off the show layout to Brian O’Sullivan after this year. They will be doing the layout together this year.
Ron reported that the crib roof is still in need of repair. We have the necessary supplies but are waiting for good weather.
Jean, Charlie, Ron, Russ, Chuck, & Bob were thanked for selling tickets at the Peotone consignment sale.
Charlie, Ron, & Bob announced that they have been repairing the Joliet corn sheller and think it will be ready for the show. They are looking for a wood conditioner to use on it that will not darken the wood or damage the lettering on it.
The club is looking to sell their McCormick threshing machine that we have not used in several years. The asking price of $1000 was suggested at the directors meeting, and Andy will be advertising it for us.
Andy reported that Russel McClenning had offered a Woods Bros Threshing machine in working order to us at the last meeting. Dennis Christiansen and Andy went out to look it over, and determined it was well cared for. It uses sieves instead of shakers and is set up for use with Gas tractors instead of a steam engine. They accepted the machine, and it was delivered to Andy’s farm where it will be stored until the show. It will need a few light repairs. Russel stated that his parents had taken him to shows like ours since he was a little kid, and he wanted to donate this in their honor. The club offered him their thanks, and a round of applause.
Brad mentioned that Steve Tordai decided that a 40x40 tent would be sufficient to cover his space, and Brad and Fred added it to our order. We would still like to pay them for bringing the horses out and will be speaking to sponsors about covering it. Brad reminded us that it is time to get out there and talk to sponsors. Terry reported that he has a sponsor to cover the Petting Zoo again.
New Business
Jess gave an update on marketing. We have used several button sizes for the show in past years. It would be cheaper if we went to smaller 1” buttons. George Schaaf’s Case tractor is now the feature tractor, instead of Brians. They look alike aside from their size; we may show both tractors on the shirt. Homer Township has invited us to their 4th of July parade on June 22. Kyle Lipowiski and his group, The Hillbilly Social Club, will represent us. They have attended our tractor pull and have been advertising our show in the Lockport area. Sponsorship forms were handed out and can be found on the website. New sponsors can fill them out so we can have their information on file.
Jerry Kinsella will be the chairman of the show book, we have not done one since 2012 for the 50th show. We will need ads of different sizes to fill it.
Lane, Jim, & Andy ran the tractor ride route again and Lane brought maps that were made by Sgt O’Connell with the Sheriffs department. Signup sheets were provided and can be found on the website.
Alan made a motion to adjourn the meeting. It was seconded by Terry and was passed by all present.
May 9 Wilton Church Hall 7 PM
June 13 Wilton Church Hall 7 PM
Upcoming Events
Slow Boys Tractor Ride Crescent City, IL June 1-2
WCTA Tractor Drive WCTA Showground, June 8
TSC Tractor Discovery Day TSC New Lenox, June 15
Rockville covered bridge tractor ride Rockville, IN June 29-30