December 12th, 2024

Download a PDF of the minutes here

Call to Order

Brad called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm, and led us in the Pledge of Allegiance


Roll Call                                                                       -Lane Heatherwick

Lane called the roll. There were 10 directors, and 28 members and guests present.


Secretary's Report                                                     -Andy Rousonelos

Brad asked if everyone had received their minutes, and if there were any additions or corrections. Alan made a motion to accept the minutes as published. John seconded that motion, and it was passed by all present.


Treasure's Report                                                       -Fred Lestina

Fred reported we had income including $500 from display banners, $3,125 in donations, and $150 in dues. Expenses included $34.34 towards lunch for workers filling the corn crib. Ron made a motion to accept the report as read, it was seconded by Jerry, and it was passed by all present.


Old Business

·Jim Wilhelmi, a longtime club member passed away at 56. He was frequently seen driving his Ford 8n on our tractor drive.

·Brad thanked Lane for running our last meeting while he was out of town.

·Bill Fries donated several albums of old pictures of our show, as well as the Heritage Tractor Drive. Andy will digitize them for our website.

·The club did not participate in the Manhattan Christmas Light parade this year, due to scheduling conflicts with members. We are regularly seen in their parades, and plan to continue participating in them closer to showtime.

·Brad reported that our show is recognized at the Newark toy show, and there was a good turnout there.

·Craig Long and Rodney Schwark have agreed to club tours of their collections this winter. We are looking at late January or February for those tours. Joe Fisher in Oregon and the Byron collection are not in heated sheds, and we will wait until the weather improves to plan those tours.

·Many generous members lent the club money to keep it in operation several years ago, and it has been suggested that we repay them now that the show has had several successful years in a row. Brad read off the list of debts, and asked for suggestions on what should be paid down. It was recommended that we pay back the smaller loans in full, and pay back 50% on the larger loans. Ron made a motion to repay the loans, Pat seconded the motion. It was passed by all present.

·Lane reported that Steve Issert will host the lunch on our tractor drive, and he and his neighbors have given us permission to use their private access roads on our route to drive through wooded areas and farm fields. Brian Kestel has agreed to cook lunch for us again this year. Work on the route will continue in the new year.

·The club is still looking for storage for larger items near the show, including 2 threshing machines, our corn picker and elevator, wagons, and many smaller items. Anyone with leads on shed space should contact Brad.

·The club is looking for donations of firewood, or logs to be cut and split. We will also be looking for logs to use on the sawmill at the show.

New Business

·It was decided at the November meeting that Allis Chalmers will be the 2026 show feature, coinciding with the I&I club feature. IH has been penciled in for 2027.

·Jess offered her Marketing and PR updates: She is currently working on the 2025 Merchandise art. It is time to start reaching out to 2025 show sponsors, as now is the time that they set their budgets for the year. We currently have 283 subscribers to our email newsletter, as well as roughly 45 on snail mail. We are currently seeking a dedicated photographer or videographer for the Saturday show, it can be a student or hobbyist.

·The Christmas Party will be held at the Church Hall on January 12. 2025. We will need silent auction items donated, so bring your spending money. Larry and Alan volunteered to make Hams and Lane and Charlie volunteered to make Turkeys for the dinner. The remaining dishes can be broken down by last name as usual:

o   A-F Hot potatoes and stuffing

o   G-M Vegetable sides

o   N-S Desserts

o   T-Z Salads, deviled eggs, & rolls

o   Club will provide beverages and table service


Jean made a motion to adjourn the meeting. It was seconded by Hank and was passed by all present.


February 13, March 13, April 10, May 8 Wilton Federated Church 7 PM


See more pictures in our Gallery Page


January 12th, 2025


November 14th, 2024