WCTA Member’s Only Club Tour of Terry Seggebruch Collection

In February 2024, WCTA Members and their guests were treated to an exclusive tour at the home of Terry and Carol Seggebruch in Morris, IL. The Seggebruch collection is a treasure trove of items related to farming, stockyards, fairs, equipment, machinery, sports, art, memorabilia, and local businesses.

Terry, Carol, and their family warmly welcomed approximately 70 attendees, providing a delightful lunch and sharing fascinating insights about their collection. Guests had the opportunity to explore a diverse range of items and ask questions about their origins and significance.

One of the highlights was a table showcasing memorabilia from past threshermen’s shows in the Midwest, including some wonderful items from WCTA's history. As a token of appreciation, WCTA presented the Seggebruch family with a special Case toy adorned with a custom decal from Plainfield Signs, thanking them for their hospitality and support. The toy, a Case 600 Die-Cast Metal 1/16 Scale, was generously donated by Alan Leopold, with Brad Eike coordinating the gift arrangement.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to the Seggebruch family for their generosity and to all who attended the 2024 Member Tour. It was a truly memorable experience for everyone involved.

Photos by Pam Robbins, Brad Eike and Jess Crane.


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