April 13, 2023 Meeting Minutes
Download a PDF of the minutes here
Call to Order -Brad Eike
Brad called the meeting to order at 7:04pm, and led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call -Lane Heatherwick
Lane called the roll. There were 10 directors, and 18 members and guests present.
Secretary's Report -Charlie Kestel
Brad asked if everyone had received their minutes, and if there were any additions or corrections. There were several copies available. Terry made a motion to accept the minutes as published. Russ seconded that motion, and it was passed by all present.
Treasure's Report -Fred Lestina
Fred reported $25 in dues, and raffle sales of $897 from Serena, Seneca, and Sublette Toy Shows. We also sold the 4 pedal implements donated to us and received $460 for them. From that income we paid $1000 to Kim Schaefer for management of the flea market, $105 for banners and magnets, $110 for printing, $312 for master card, and $100 to West Bend Insurance for Raffle Bond. That leaves us with an overall expense of -$245. A motion was made by Ron to accept the report as presented. It was seconded by John Cronin and passed by all present.
Old Business
Brad brought up the Coal pick-up scheduled in Rockdale. There is also coal in Al’s basement that we can have for the removal, Phil will coordinate. Brian Kestel offered the use of his dump truck. We also have volunteers of Dennis, Ron, Jay, Phil, Jack, and Jim Quigley ready to man the buckets.
Brad reported that we did well on our raffle sales so far. Sublette featured Case this year, and they only had 3 Case tractors there. Sandwich is our next opportunity to sell raffle tickets.
Show Calendars have some pictures but would like to have more. May 15th is the deadline, please send them to Brian & Colleen or to the Threshermens email address.
Russ let us know that he acquired tarps, donated by Prairie Creek Gain, which are big enough to cover our straw fort, corn box, or anything we need to protect from the weather. He also was in contact with the owner of Enchanted Shores, and they will advertise our show on their sign. They offer full hook up camping with limited spaces available. They also have availability for primitive camping for tents only.
Ron reported that our scale is finally working. It still needs adjustment but will be ready for our show. It will be brought to the show grounds, where it will be stored.
Lane reported that our Tractor Ride will be priced at $75, the same as last year, and will include a pork chop dinner. There was a small change in the return route to avoid a low bridge. The registration forms can be found on our website. For those who are not members, it will cost an extra $25 for membership. Tractors must be capable of going 12 MPH, and there will be 2 rest breaks, one being at the park in the Forest Preserve on River Road, we are waiting for response from Vilts Garden Center for our second break. Lunch will be served at the Rousonelos farm.
It was reported that Larry Marek had surgery. Get well soon, Larry! Terry let us know that his parents, who were in an accident in Wisconsin, are now home.
New Business
We had 2 Lions Club representatives wanting to speak about the free “Oz Fest” that they are having on October 15th. It will be held on the South Island in Wilmington. It will be a 1- day show, and they are trying to represent “Kansas” with vintage machinery, blacksmith, and small bale making. They are wondering if we could help them. If interested, call Debbie at the Lions Club office at 815-482-6234, or Maryann at 815-666-3781.
Brad mentioned that Plainfield Sign is willing to make show magnets that can be customized with your own picture. They will cost $25 for the large size, and $12 for the small ones, see Brad to order.
Tractor Supply, on Laraway Rd, is having an event where they would like us to supply tractors, antique garden tractors, hit and miss engines, and possibly kid games. They have room for 12 tractors. It will run from 10am till 3pm on June 3rd. They will be putting bag stuffers out to advertise, and we can put up a banner for our show. Pedal tractor raffle ticket sales too. Charlie will bring a tractor, so come join us.
Dave Karl has offered us free trees, plus the planting, if Steve Spiess is willing. He suggested Sycamores but has other trees available. We should call if we are interested. 815-741-4693 {land line}
Bob Homerding will investigate repairs needed on the office floor.
Al Heatherwick found a Case pedal tractor in Florida. It is a “Spirit of 76” and needs painting. We’ll need it by August for next years show. This is an opportunity for sponsors.
It is time for the Banner sales push. They cost $150 for the first year, and $100 every year after. The large banners are available for $300 and will be rehung for $200 every year after.
Henry reported that we won’t be having “Pizza 4 You” this year. Lane also would like to see an antique tractor at Pearl Dodge and Dralle Ford in Peotone. He also said that the club plow will be at the Half Century of Progress this year.
Terry is having the parking lot flyers made, but he needs a blank form from Al.
Jess belongs to the Elwood Garden Ukulele Group, and they have offered to play at the show on Saturday. They will play background music on the people mover possibly.
It was suggested that Dennis might need an apprentice. Someone else needs to know all he does for the club.
Pat made a motion to adjourn the meeting. It was seconded by EJ Johnson and was passed by all present.
Upcoming Events
Membership Meeting May 11, Wilton Federated Church Hall, 7 PM
Membership Meeting June 8, Wilton Federated Church Hall, 7 PM
Vintage Tractor Drive June 10, Local 150 ASIP Center