May 11, 2023 Meeting Minutes
Download a PDF of the minutes here
Call to Order -Brad Eike
Brad called the meeting to order at 7:04pm, and led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call -Lane Heatherwick
Lane called the roll. There were 9 directors, and 34 members and guests present.
Secretary's Report -Charlie Kestel
Brad asked if everyone had received their minutes, and if there were any additions or corrections. There were several copies available. PatPat made a motion to accept the minutes, & Jay seconded that motion, and it was passed by all present.
Treasure's Report -Fred Lestina
Fred reported $100 in dues, and raffle sales of $244 from the Will County Auction. Donations from two members totaled $80. Steiner Tractor Parts also Sponsored us for $300, and we received Gate Flier sponsorship at $100. Last month’s 50/50 brought in $175. From that income we paid $128 for Magnets, $38.09 for Pedal Tractor Decals, and $50 for a pedal tractor wagon. Additional expenses included $135 for Posters, $781.08 for website and advertising work, and $46 for a workday lunch. We also paid $15033 for our remaining balance at Joliet Tent for last year combined with the first 1/3 of the tent bill for this year. That leaves us with an overall expense of -$1887.02. A motion was made by Ron to accept the report as presented. It was seconded by Terry and passed by all present.
Old Business
It was decided that Brad’s Minnie 670 would be on the show button with a mention of the 1-cylinder stationary engines.
One of the two buyers of Mike Hillary’s tractor pull sled passed away, but his business partner will still run the sled at our show. Mike and Marilyn Hillary will help this year.
It was reported that Steiner Tractor Parts has sponsored our website for another year.
Kim reported that 23 spots in the flea market have been sold and she expects to have a full market. She may want a larger space to allow more vendor spaces to sell.
Show Posters are available for pickup and can be hung in public places.
Lane reminded us the tractor drive is less than a month away, please sign up sooner rather than later so Jerry can prepare enough food. Lunch will include pork chop sandwiches and fixins. Jim Morgan will provide the Driver Service trailer with the outhouse and table & chair transport. Ron Schubbe and Bob Homerding will man the Tool Truck. All participants will receive a collectible magnet and a hat.
Phil Anzelc reported that the Coal Pickup in Rockdale went well. Our Coal wagon was filled with more coal leftover, and we should have enough for this years show and part of next years. The Lady in Rockdale was pleased to have is picked up, as was Alan. He donated coal from his basement as well. Thank you to Phil, Dennis, Alan, Jack, Jay, & Ron for helping and to Jerry Kinsella for his help and the use of his truck and dump trailer.
It was reminded that the Crib Roof is still in need of repair.
The Tractor Supply manager is very excited for the Tractor event on June 3 at the TSC store on Laraway Rd. The event will run from 10-3, displaying tractors, engines, and selling raffle tickets. We need people to bring Eye Candy. Call Brad if you are interested in helping.
New Business
We always need more sponsors for the club. Prairie Creek Grain is considering sponsoring the Garden Pull and donating corn for the Kids tent. The Petting Zoo has been partially covered, and the gate fliers were covered. All old sponsors and 2 new sponsors have donated. The Feature Tent still needs a sponsor, we would like to get $800 to cover it.
Ron and Susan Schubbe have been chosen to be the King and Queen of this years show.
We need members to ride the people mover and answer questions and describe demonstrations to show goers. Please see Brad if you are interested.
Jess said we have a ¼ page ad in Vintage Tractor Digest for our show. They also listed us in their Summer Events directory. A Press Release was sent out to local newspapers for the Tractor Drive. You can register online or get a form at the meeting.
Jerry “The Griller” will cook for appreciation dinner this year, to give Fred a break.
The Civil War Reenactors will be back at the show, they plan to do their same demonstrations they had lined up for last year. They may add some small skirmishes if possible.
The show setup will be taking place on the Monday-Wednesday before the show. Please come out and help if you are available.
We will be in the Manhattan 4th of July parade on July 2nd. The Cook and Fairbanks engines will be in the parade, we will be looking to bring some tractors as well.
Brad also wanted to thank our talented Desert Makers who make sure we never leave a meeting hungry!
Pat made a motion to adjourn the meeting. It was seconded by EJ Johnson and was passed by all present.
Upcoming Events
Membership Meeting June 8, Wilton Federated Church Hall, 7 PM
Vintage Tractor Drive June 10, Local 150 ASIP Center