June 8, 2023 Meeting Minutes

Download a PDF of the minutes here

Call to Order                                                                  -Brad Eike

Lane called the meeting to order at 7:06pm, and led us in the Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call                                                                          -Lane Heatherwick

Andy called the roll. There were 9 directors, and 31 members and guests present.

Secretary's Report                                                        -Charlie Kestel

Lane asked if everyone had received their minutes, and if there were any additions or corrections. A correction was noted on the May minutes, It should have been listed that Bob and Russ would man the tool truck. A motion was made to accept the minutes by Andy Partak. It was seconded by Jack Toepper and passed by all present.

Treasure's Report                                                          -Fred Lestina

Fred reported $3150 in Display Banner sales, and raffle sales of $212 from the Tractor Supply Event. Donations from two members totaled $300. The gate fliers were sponsored at $100, and the flea market brought in $760. Farm banner sales totaled $100, and the magic show was sponsored at $600. The petting zoo was sponsored at $695, and we received our final Amazon Smile donation at $5.23. Lastly, Plainfield Signs renewed their Website banner at $200. Club expenses included $3792.38, with an additional $322.54 in postage and $501.02 for show expenses. That leaves us with an overall income of $1371.29. A motion was made by Ron to accept the report as presented. It was seconded by Jack, and passed by all present.

Old Business

  • Lane reported that there were already 26 drivers signed up for the tractor drive. All participants need to RSVP by June 6 to be counted for food. The Gate opens at Local 150 ASIP at 6:30, and we will leave promptly at 8. Our estimated return time is 3:30pm. All participants will receive a pork chop lunch, a hat, and collectible magnet. It was noted that the cost of the lunch had increased from $400 to $700 for the group with the pork chop lunch. Jim Robbins reported that Pam would be taking pictures again this year.

  • Kim reported another $1410 were turned in from the flea market. We have 19 flea market sellers and $16 craft vendors signed up so far. Some have retired from last year, but we are looking for more. She thinks there will be enough space but may need more with additional vendors signing up.

  • Bob reported that the office trailer sub floor required several repairs. Thank you to Jerry Kinsella, Brad, Ron, and Bob for emptying the trailer and doing the repair work, and to Charlie, Ron, & Brad for re-filling the trailer. Fred and Andy picked up the new flooring and Mr. Davis did a great job with the installation. It was also reported that the office trailer is in need of new tires, that Andy was looking into.

New Business

  • Brian reported that the Calendar pictures were picked at the TSC Event, and roughly 85% of the work on them was done. He will be ordering them for next week and wanted to know how many calendars should be ordered. They are standard 81/2 x11, and will cost us $5 each. The show dates for this and next year are already listed, and it was suggested that the membership meetings should also be listed.

  • Lane reviewed the work list and said that new helpers are always welcomed, and anybody may offer to take one a position of anybody doing double-duty. If everybody helps, we will have easy set-up and tear-down.

  • We are lucky enough to get the same sponsors as last year, and last years Magician is returning for Saturday and Sunday. He will give us some extra tricks to make up for last years rain delays.

  • Andy Partak reported that the Manhattan Historical Society no longer sponsors their Civil War Reenactment group and they were looking for a new sponsor.

  • Ron and Alan have been working on the show layout and making a border around Steve and Cindy Speiss’ new house. The dirt work has been finished, but no new grass will be planted before the show. Steve will have all loading and unloading take place on the gravel in front of his new shed. We will use the dust wagon to keep the entrance sprayed down and dust free. Was suggested that we mark out specific driving paths to keep the tree roots safe.

  • The Tractor Supply Co day went well, and we want to thank everybody who came out. Bob, Russ, and Jeannie sold 261 raffle tickets, and Bobs kids toys were a big hit. We want to thank Eugene and the entire TSC crew for their support and for giving us lunch. Brad reported that he thought this would be an annual event. Eugene also hand delivered a letter of Appreciation to Lane, we will send them a letter of thanks as well.

  • The 2024 Tractor drive is set for June 8, 2024 with the destination TBD.

  • The Will County Fair is looking for us to provide golf cart service again this year for use of the Bryant building for a display. Jerry Kinsella will head that committee.

  • Andy reported that the Plow Day would be held at his farm near Mazon, and he has 75 acres of wheat ground to plow. More details will come.

Open Discussion

  • Lane reported that the Show Wheat looks very good.

  • George will pull our Club plow at the Half Century of Progress show in August with his Cross Motor Case. He will be at our show, Half Century, and one more this year.

  • Steve will be setting the scale on steel plates and using gravel as a ramp to it.

  • It was reported that our Blacksmith, Jerry has stepped back but he has an apprentice who will be taking over.

  • We will have our regular Thursday appreciation dinner after the first day of the show, Jerry “The Griller” will be cooking this year to give Fred a break.

  • Lane requested that people provide more information with displayed show tractors, for townspeople who do not come from Ag backgrounds.

  • Ray Jordan reported that he had a 1956 John Deere model 60 tractor for sale, anybody interested can call him at (815)-592-8196


Larry made a motion to adjourn the meeting.  It was seconded by Jerry, and was passed by all present.

Upcoming Events

  • Membership Meeting July 13, WCTA Show Grounds, 7PM

  • 61st Annual Show July 20-23, Steve Speiss Farm

See more pictures in our Gallery Page


July 13, 2023 Meeting Minutes


May 11, 2023 Meeting Minutes