July 13, 2023 Meeting Minutes
Download a PDF of the minutes here
Call to Order
Brad called the meeting to order at 7:03pm, and led us in the Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call Lane Heatherwick
Lane called the roll. There were 11 directors, and 40 members and guests present.
Secretary's Report -Charlie Kestel
Brad asked if everyone had received their minutes, and if there were any additions or corrections. A motion was made to accept the minutes by Terry Donovan. It was seconded by Jerry Kinsella and passed by all present.
Treasure's Report -Fred Lestina
Fred reported $3300 in Display Banner sales, donations of $250 from Rod Baker Ford. Farm Banners brought in $100, and the Magician was sponsored at $870. The Petting Zoo was sponsored at $450, and the Trophies were sponsored by Heritage FS at $800. The Club expenses included $4491.07, which included $790.20 in Advertising, $1340.85 for a new floor in the Office Trailer, and 909.51. That leaves us with an overall income of $348.62. A motion was made by Ron Shubbe to accept the report as presented. It was seconded by Dave Wehrmann and passed by all present.
Old Business
Lane reported that the tractor drive was a success, with good food, good scenery, and a smooth ride thanks to the Sheriffs association. He thanked Jim Robbins and Andy Rousonelos for their help, and the Rousonelos family for allowing the lunch to be held in their shop. Letters of Appreciation were sent to Vilts Garden Center and Local 150 for use of their parking lots on the ride.
Brad gave a review of the Sandwich engine show, there were 91 raffle tickets sold. Chuck and Brad sold on Friday, and Russ and Brian sold tickets on Saturday.
The office trailer repairs were finished and look great. The trim along the floor was leftover lumber from the construction of our corn crib. Mr. Davis did a great job, thank you to Jerry, Brad, Ron, and Bob for their work on the floor and electrical, to Lane and Linda for a donation towards flooring supplies, and to Andy for donating and installing new tires.
Andy offered a report on Plow Day, which will be a member event at his farm, allowing us to plow all of Steve’s wheat ground at the show. Invitations will be sent to members with the details.
New Business
Brad thanked Bob, Russ, and Jim for putting up the road signs pointing towards the show grounds.
It was reported that we have 130 sponsors for the show this year, compared to the 6 we had in 2002 when Brad entered the Club. Thank you to Terry, Bob, Russ, Ron, & Brad for finding them.
Brad reviewed the work list, and reminded everybody that we all need to pitch in to make the show run smoothly.
Dennis reported that 4 wagons of Wheat had been bundled and stacked for threshing at the show. Thank you to Steve Spiess, Dennis, Russ, Dave Kestel, Dean Bettenhausen, and 2 helpers from Wayne Walz seed business who came to help. It was completed just before the rain, and Steve allowed us to keep the bundles in his shed.
Open Discussion:
Russ and his wife have continued to mow the show grounds, which look great.
The 4th of July parade went well even with the rain delay. We had 5+ tractors, and the Fairbanks engine. Thanks to all who helped.
Brian brought the Club Calendars, with all meetings and the 2024 show dates already marked. They can be purchased for $10 each.
Alan Christiansen made new electrical panels for the show that will meet the county inspector’s requirements.
Kim reported that the flea market had just a few spaces left, and sellers would begin their setup on Wednesday before the show.
It was reported that former officer Terry Welshan passed away on June 20th.
Jerry Kinsella will head the Will County Fair committee and will need help. It falls on the same weekend as the Half Century of Progress show in Rantoul.
Brad reminded everybody that the next meeting was August 3rd, a week early, to not conflict with the Sycamore show.
Russ made a motion to adjourn the meeting. It was seconded by Terry, and was passed by all present.
August 3rd Wilton Federated Church 7 PM
Upcoming Events
Will County Fair August 23-27, 2023
Half Century of Progress Show Chanute Air Force Base, Rantoul. August 24-27
Pictures taken at the 4th of July Parade, At Local 150 ASIP on tractor drive day, and during wheat bundling.