August 3, 2023 Meeting Minutes
Download a PDF of the minutes here
Call to Order
Brad called the meeting to order at 7:04pm, and led us in the Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call Lane Heatherwick
Brad called the roll. There were 7 directors, and 32 members and guests present.
Secretary's Report -Charlie Kestel
Brad asked if everyone had received their minutes, and if there were any additions or corrections. A motion was made to accept the minutes by Ron. It was seconded by Terry and passed by all present.
Treasure's Report -Fred Lestina
Fred reported show income at $31,184.67, this included $24,138.11 from gate entrance, $2,243 from donations, and 836 from the pedal tractor raffle. The club expenses included $11,178.51 which included $607.50 for steam engine hauling, $3,375 for Porta-Potties, and the last tent installment of $2,067. A motion was made by Jeff to accept the report as presented. It was seconded by Alan and passed by all present. Fred also reported that more show bills had already come in and would be reported on at the next meeting.
Old Business
The show gate admittance report came in at 113 adults and 38 kids on Thursday, 580 adults and 156 kids on Friday, 1131 adults and 312 kids on Saturday, and 631 adults and 175 kids on Sunday.
Russ reported that the kids’ tent went very well, and the extra help this year was appreciated. Our suggestion box had a lot of notes complementing our kids tent.
Brad thanked all the helpers who came during setup, as well as the ladies who made lunch every day for the helpers.
The Will County young farmers group ran our pedal tractor pull, and this year we had 50 pulls this year.
Brad announced our 4 winners for the pedal tractor raffle: Jerry Rossen won the IH Pedal tractor; Steve Tordai won the IH toy; Bill Sanders won the Minneapolis pedal; & Dan Grimmouga won the Minneapolis toy.
Kim reported that the Flea market had empty spaces from flea marketers that had paid for their spaces and never came to the show. She could have sold more spaces if those empty slots could have been re-sold. Kim also reported that the people mover stop near the flea area caused some adjustments to the layout.
Jess reported that a good show makes advertising work, and our gate numbers proved that. We have several 4 and 5 star reviews online from the show, and we have not received bad feedback yet. Our Facebook page has good presence and earned us donor recognition and an additional 300 followers since the show. The car dealership cooperation posts have done very well and we have received cross recognition from it. 1.5K google searches led to our website in July and we have an average rating of 4.8 stars. Our website also had 7.5K visits this month, and the general report from reviews and comments online were “What a great show.”
Andy reminded everyone that the Member plow day was to be held September 2nd at his farm, and there was still room for plowing participants and spectators to sign up.
It was reported that Ron and Bob brought and made benches to put around the show for people to take a rest on, and they were a hit.
New Business
Brad reported that the election is to be held at the September meeting, and the following directors were up for reelection: Lane, Bob, Charlie, Henry, Roger, & Ron. The deadline to submit names for election is September 1st.
It was reported that some changes to next year’s show are needed. Keeping steam and prairie tractors away from the trees is a priority, to protect the roots and keep the leaves from burning. The kids tent always needs more help, please see Russ to volunteer. It was mentioned that smoking at the show needs to be addressed, as the wheat stubble presents a fire risk. If we continue to allow smoking at the show, there needs to be a designated smoking area. Many people also commented that the schedule was not followed again, and that the announcements of time changes can’t be heard across the grounds.
Jerry Kinsella is the chairman of our help committee with the Will County Fair. He needs plenty of help with the transportation at the fair or working at our booth. Please call him to help at the fair. He knows this conflicts with the Half Century show in Rantoul, but will need anybody available to volunteer.
Russ made a motion to adjourn the meeting. It was seconded by Terry and was passed by all present.
September 10, Charlie & Jeannie Kestel Farm, 1 PM Club Picnic, bring a dish to pass!
Upcoming Events
Will County Fair August 23-27, 2023
Half Century of Progress Show August 24-27
Central States Threshermens Reunion August 31-September 2
WCTA Member Plow Day September 2
Pictures taken at the 61st Annual Show