September 10, 2023 Meeting Minutes
Download a PDF of the minutes here
Call to Order
Brad called the meeting to order at 2:09pm, and led us in the Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call Lane Heatherwick
Lane called the roll. There were 11 directors, and 65 members and guests present.
Secretary's Report -Charlie Kestel
Brad asked if everyone had received their minutes, and if there were any additions or corrections. A motion was made to accept the minutes by Russ. It was seconded by Ron and passed by all present.
Treasure's Report -Fred Lestina
Fred reported show income at $1775.35, this included $232 from pedal tractor raffle ticket sales at the Will County Fair, $281 in merchandise sales, and $622.35 in donations at the Fair. The club expenses included $12606.37, covering both club and show expenses.. A motion was made by Jerry to accept the report as presented. It was seconded by Larry and passed by all present.
Old Business
Brad thanked everybody who made dishes for our picnic, as well as all of those who helped with setup and teardown from the Picnic. Charlie and Jeannie were also thanked for offering us the use of their shed as a picnic location again.
We have received great show reviews, and Steve and Cindy Speiss should be thanked again for allowing us to use their front yard as such great showgrounds. Jess was thanked for her good Public Relations work for the show and her work earns us a lot of recognition and praise.
Jerry reported that the Will County Fair went well, despite the heat. We had good helpers, and a nice display again in the Bryant building. Our work with the golf carts bringing attendees in and out of the parking lot earned us donations.
Ron, Russ, & Brian reported that the Central States Threshermens Reunion, held over Labor Day Weekend was a great show with record attendance. Like our show, it was blessed with great weather. Their feature was J.I. Case, and many Case collectors were approached about coming to our show next year as exhibitors.
Lane reported that the Half Century of Progress show was great as well. It too set record attendance, despite the heat. It conflicted with the Will County Fair. The Club’s 1908 P&O 8 bottom plow was pulled again by George Shaaf’s 1926 Case 40-72 Crossmotor tractor, and the plow was operated by Lane and member Tim Jungles. The Christiansen brothers brought their Cook Corn Sheller again, and received help by Phillip Anzelc, Dan & Tyler Tordai, and Andy Rousonelos.
Jay offered a report on the Sycamore show, where he and Lane brought the Cook and Fairbanks engines. The Cook did not run properly, and is being repaired. They too advocated for Case Steam Engines to come to our show.
Brad reported that Bill Burnham’s M&W Power exposition made for a nice show, with Max Armstrong and Sherry Shafer in attendance. They Celebrated the 75th anniversary of the M&W Gear company.
Andy reported that Rodney Schwark’s Plow day was a success, with 20 tractors in attendance to plow. He also thanked everyone who came to the club plow day that was held on his farm. 12 tractors plowed, and club spectators were joined by the Rousonelos’s neighbors to watch and join us for lunch.
Brad offered a report on the IH Collector Club Chapter 2 trip to Terry Seggebruch’s amazing collection, and announced that it is something everybody should see. We would like to organize a club trip sometime in the future.
The Corn Crib was stood upright with help from Steve Speiss, Jerry Kinsella, Ron Schubbe, Jack Toepper, Lane Heatherwick, Russ Jacobs, Charlie Kestel & Scott Kestel. Mr. Davis will be continuing the repairs to get it ready to be filled with ear corn.
New Business
The first order of new business was the election of new directors. Roger Rainford has decided to step down from the board, and he was thanked for his many years of volunteering. Jerry Kinsella will be stepping into his place, and was welcomed to the board. Other directors re-elected this year included: Lane Heatherwick, Bob Homerding, Charlie Kestel, & Henry Reus. The Directors stepped out to determine the Officers, and returned to announce the only change would be Charlie & Jeannie Kestel would be retiring from the Secretary position. They were thanked for their time spent writing and sending newsletters. Andy Rousonelos has taken the place of Secretary, which he has apprenticed for the last 6 months. A motion to accept the new Board of Directors was made by Jess. It was seconded by Dave DeValla, and was passed by all present.
It was reported that the club’s folding tables are getting old and quite heavy, and would be replaced by newer plastic tables as good sales were found.
Alan made a motion to adjourn the meeting. It was seconded by Jerry, and was passed by all present.
October 12 Wilton Federated Church 7PM
Upcoming Events
Wilmington Lions Club Wizard of Oz Festeval October 15, 2023
Pictures taken at the WCTA 2023 Plow Day and the 2023 Member Picnic