June 13th, 2024

Download a PDF of the minutes here

Call to Order

Brad called the meeting to order at 7:10pm, and led us in the Pledge of Allegiance


Roll Call                                                                       -Lane Heatherwick

Lane called the roll. There were 11 directors, and 32 members and guests present.


Secretary's Report                                                     -Andy Rousonelos

Brad asked if everyone had received their minutes, and if there were any additions or corrections. Russ made a motion to accept the minutes as published. Jeff seconded that motion, and it was passed by all present.


Treasure's Report                                                       -Fred Lestina

Fred reported we had income including $1700 from display banners, $1600 in donations which were $800 from Ray Jordan towards the horse tent and $800 from Paul Siegel for the McCormick threshing machine, $1535 for the tractor drive. Expenses included a $930 towards advertising, $1980 for our 6-month insurance installment, and $910 for tractor drive hats. Ron made a motion to accept the report as read, it was seconded by Steve, and it was passed by all present.


Old Business

Brad started off with sad business and announced that Dave Wehrmann’s wife Janet had passed away on June 5th. Dave was present and thanked the entire club for their support.

Lane reported that the tractor drive was a success, with 23 tractors on the ride. Lunch at Brian Kestel’s was great, and everyone had plenty to eat. Scott Kestel gave demonstrations of his shop in Frankfort, and pictures were taken at Dave Kestel’s farm. All who helped make the ride possible were thanked, and Lane has already started working on the 2025 drive.

Brad announced that new truck magnets were available, with new pictures and a new saying, “Let the good times roll.” He also reported that members can buy banners to be hung at the show featuring their favorite brand or model tractor and would come at cost only.

Dennis was approached by a twine salesman who was offering binder twine at a significant discount and wondered if the club would like to re-stock on twine. He has approached several other shows and has only heard back from one. Buying more twine offered a better discount, and we would be getting nearly half price. Steve Spiess offered to store the twine in his shop, and Dennis would handle ordering sufficient twine for a few years’ worth of shows.

Brad announced that Larry Marek has retired from hauling engines to the show after many years. Dennis has agreed to haul large items to the show.

New Business

It was suggested that the Corley sawmill owned by the club be addressed. It has not been used for many years, needs work, and is missing many parts. Jack Stuffle has expressed interest in making one sawmill out of two. Since there were no objections raised, it was given to him.

The storage shed the club had lined up to rent fell through, and we are looking for storage near the showground for the large items that many generous members have stored for several years. This would include threshing machines, the corn picker, wagons, and more.

Bengston Farms in Homer Township was interested in a tractor day at their farm after seeing the success of the TSC show. Kyle Lipowski offered to head the committee for the show which would be held on June 29.

Brad will represent us at the Sandwich engine show on June 28 & 29, and any help would be appreciated. He will be selling raffle tickets.

Manhattan is holding their annual 4th of July parade on June 29; Charlie will run the parade group. Lane offered to bring a tractor and the Fairbanks engine, and Jay would bring the Cook engine.

Ozinga has agreed to sponsor the tractor pull sled again this year, and we have received many new sponsors for 2024.

Brad reminded everybody that the show was approaching with the setup occurring the week leading up to the show. Any help will be appreciated, and many hands makes for little work. We are always looking for new helpers who are interested in seeing what we are all about.

Ron & Jerry will run our Golf Cart service at the Will County fair again this year, and we will be using our usual spot to sell raffle tickets and advertise the show. The fair will be held the weekend before Labor Day.

Bob and Bev Homerding have been nominated as the King & Queen for the show this year, in recognition of all their work.

Henry reported that we will have 6 or 7 food vendors this year.

Jess and Jerry are hard at work on the showbook, and it would include history of the club, as well as the show feature.

Kim announced that the flea market will be full again this year.

Steve has agreed for the dumpster to be delivered the Monday before the show.

We have extra tractor drive hats for sale, they can be purchased for $15 each. 


Jerry made a motion to adjourn the meeting. It was seconded by Larry and was passed by all present.


July 11 – WCTA Show Ground, Weather permitting, Church Hall if rainy        7 PM

 Upcoming Events

South Lake County Ag. Historical Society Show Crown Point, IN July 12-14

WCTA Show Se-Up Spiess Farm July 13-17

62nd Annual WCTA Show Spiess Farm July 18-21

See more pictures in our Gallery Page


July 11th, 2024


May 9th, 2024