May 9th, 2024

Download a PDF of the minutes here

Call to Order

Brad called the meeting to order at 7:06pm, and led us in the Pledge of Allegiance


Roll Call                                                                       -Lane Heatherwick

Lane called the roll. There were 10 directors, and 36 members and guests present.


Secretary's Report                                                     -Andy Rousonelos

Brad asked if everyone had received their minutes, and if there were any additions or corrections. Jerry made a motion to accept the minutes as published. Carl seconded that motion, and it was passed by all present.


Treasure's Report                                                       -Fred Lestina

Fred reported we had income of $200 in donations, $600 from the flea market, $301 from the pedal tractor raffle, and $70 from the tractor drive. Expenses included a $3 bank charge, and $663.96 for marketing work. Ron made a motion to accept the report as read, it was seconded by Alan, and it was passed by all present.


Old Business

Fred announced that he still had show directories to sell, anybody interested should see him.

Andy offered a report on the club wheel packer. It is still at Anzelc’s being worked on, and we still need some more donations towards the new tires for it.

Charlie announced that the Joliet corn sheller was running smoothly with one part still needing repair, Lane would be welding it up. Thanks to Charlie, Ron, Bob, & Lane for their work, and thank you to Roger for supplying chain to use in it.

Brad announced that Ray Jordan has donated a John Deere 60 tractor to the club, in memory of his in-laws. They were club members for many years and introduced him to our group 35 years ago. He was given a round of applause.

Brad reported that all but one of the Food Vendors have signed up, and we are still working on getting the 4-H Food trailer signed.

Brad has done some pricing on a pedal tractor for next year’s raffle, and the cheapest options are in the $350-450 range, including an IH 856 or AC 7080. He will continue to look for a deal but was warned that the prices of all pedal tractors have gone up. Brad also mentioned that the Woodshop at the Sheridon Correction Center donated us a patio chair set to raffle off or sell. It was asked if we should raffle it or do a silent auction. Corey mentioned that the trouble with a silent auction is that if folks can’t come on Sunday, they can’t bid it up. If we go with a raffle, somebody has to sell tickets and we have to cover our cost of printing the tickets.

The McCormick threshing machine is in the process of being sold, with Paul Siegel at Cottonwood Farms in Romeoville being interested in it for a display at his pumpkin farm. He was offering $800 and would like to set it up inside with an electric motor running it to show people what a threshing machine was.

Kim reported that the flea market was on its usual track for this time of year. There has been mail trouble getting in touch with some of the usual vendors. She has arranged for a face painter again; this year it will be a new one. It should be roughly the same cost as last year.

Brad gave a review of the 2nd tour at Terry Seggebruch’s, which was arranged for the members who could not make it to the one in February. It had been planned originally for about a dozen members and ended up with 48 attendees. Terry was happy with the turnout and invited us back anytime.

Brian announced that we would be doing our calendars again this year and he thought we had enough submissions from last year to fill it. New submissions could still be made to the club email address:

New Business

JBrad reported that the South Lake County Agricultural Historical Society from Crown Point, Indiana is interested in using our scale for their tractor pull. Their show is held a week before ours and they would be helping at our show in trade. Several arguments were made in both favors, mainly that the scale hasn’t been tested with the new monitor and needs tires. The consensus was no for this year.

Brad and Fred have been looking at the suggestion box we had out at the show, and the biggest suggestion on it was no beer. Brad reminded everybody that beer drinking at the show is not allowed and needs to be stopped as the public is taking notice.

John Cronin reminded everyone that we may still need logs to be used for the Sawmill. Bob Homerding has a lead on some and will confer with Eric to see if there will be enough.

Lane offered a report on the tractor drive and announced that our usual cookie bakers will be making treats for our breaks again this year. We also received tractor drive hats, and examples were brought in.

We are on track to have our Tractor Supply Tractor Discovery Day on June 15 at the Tractor Supply Store on Laraway Rd. The plan is to have several small engines and the Burr mill running there again. We sold 261 raffle tickets there last year and hope to top that.

Jess offered a marketing report. The press release has gone out for the tractor drive and will be published in several newspapers leading up to the ride. A reporter from the Vedette will be coming to the lunch to cover the ride in the paper. The merchandise table will need help this year as Colleen Kestel will not be available. Jess said that she is currently collecting advertising prices to run ads and will be giving the directors a proposal very soon. We will have a front-page footer ad on the Farmers Weekly Review the week leading up to the show, and an for the Tractor drive, we were given a 22% discount. Facebook events were made for the club events and members sharing those makes for great free advertising.

The showbook is on track this year with Jerry and Jess working on it. It was suggested to piggyback showbook ads with the sale of banners. Ads will cover the cost of the book, and the sales will be funds for the club.

Brad reminded everyone that now is the time to sell banners and sponsorships.

The human tractor pull has a few schools signed up so far, with the major roadblock being that the National FFA Leadership meeting being held the same weekend as our show. The prize money will be covered by a sponsor. It was also mentioned that the music has been covered by a sponsor and Ray Jordan has sponsored the horse tent.

The Cook Engine should be in good running condition for the Manhattan 4th of July parade, we will need more handouts to give out there.

Kevin Kavanaugh reported that FS will be bringing fuel tanks again this year.

Brad saw a successful event at the Dickson-Murst show where kids got the chance to drive a tractor a short distance under supervision. He thought this would be good to try at our show, and after discussion it was decided we may try it on Thursday afternoon.



Corey made a motion to adjourn the meeting. It was seconded by John and was passed by all present.


June 13                                                                                  Wilton Church Hall     7 PM

July 11 – WCTA Show Ground, Weather permitting, Church Hall if rainy        7 PM

 Upcoming Events

Slow Boys Tractor Ride                                                      Crescent City, IL       June 1-2

WCTA Tractor Drive                                                          WCTA Showground, June 8

TSC Tractor Discovery Day                                               TSC New Lenox,       June 15

Rockville covered bridge tractor ride                               Rockville, IN              June 29-30

South Lake County Ag. Historical Society Show Crown Point, IN July 12-14

See more pictures in our Gallery Page


June 13th, 2024


Press Release: 2024 62nd Annual Antique Tractor & Steam Engine Show