October 10th, 2024
Download a PDF of the minutes here
Call to Order
Brad called the meeting to order at 7:02pm, and led us in the Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call -Lane Heatherwick
Lane called the roll. There were 8 directors, and 23 members and guests present.
Secretary's Report -Andy Rousonelos
Brad asked if everyone had received their minutes, and if there were any additions or corrections. Alan made a motion to accept the minutes as published. Dave seconded that motion, and it was passed by all present.
Treasure's Report -Fred Lestina
Fred reported we had income including a $678 from the Will County Fair and $300 toward the pedal tractor raffle wagon and toy This covered all the cost for the toy and wagon. Expenses included $723.08 for our slot in the Farm Collector show directory, $150 for advertising, and $300 to the Serena FFA for their 2nd place winnings for the human tractor pull. Jerry made a motion to accept the report as read, it was seconded by Jean, and it was passed by all present.
Old Business
Brad reported that both Fred Lestina and Bev Homerding had experienced health trouble, but both are now doing well.
Fred reminded everyone that he and Brad wanted to have additional Officers authorized on the club banking information following the unfortunate loss of the IH Collector Club Chapter 2 treasurer, Bill Schultze, was killed in an accident at Red Power Roundup. Brad and Andy were both added to the club’s bank accounts.
The club is looking for a new head of the food court for the show, Henry has taken care of this for several years, and has stepped down. It will entail reaching out to food vendors in early winter to get them signed up for the show, as well as managing the food vendors during the show. Anyone interested should contact Brad.
Lane and Alan offered a review of the Antique Engine & Tractor Show (Genesceo Show) which was held from September 13-15. Their feature was Allis Chalmers and had excellent feature representation. Their feature shed included a prototype D-21, and they had many field demonstrations.
Brad mentioned that we will need firewood for the show, if anyone has seasoned firewood to donate, please let Andy know.
There had been an accident at the Tractor Pull in Marionton, which included a John Deere 4020 that had a flywheel explode and split the tractor at the bellhousing during the pull. This happened due to an overspeed engine used in the pull. Dave Wehrmann attended the Barnyard Pull meeting following the incident and reminded everyone that hot-rodded or modified tractors are not allowed to pull per the Barnyard Pull rules. It was suggested that participating tractors in our pull be checked on the Dyno for correct horsepower and engine speed.
New Business
The corncrib is ready to be filled, and Ron will oversee filling it. The crop at the Spiess farm was already too dry, so Steve will provide another field to be picked. A committee has been formed and will be ready to fill the crib as conditions allow.
Ron also reported that an ear corn elevator had been donated to the club from the estate of his neighbor, John Thatcher. It is a Kewanee 500 hydraulic lift elevator and is in nice shape.
Our Baker Fan is in need of sprucing up, mainly a new paintjob. We would like to bring it back to the show to use. It is currently loaned out to the Valparaiso show, where one of our members is supervising it.
The Website is now owned by the club, Larry Marek has maintained ownership of the website since it was created in the early 2000’s. He was given a round of applause for his years of stewardship for the website. We also have a new email address, a feature we can now utilize with the ownership of our domain; WCTA@willcountythresh.org. Any emails sent to our old email address will be directed to the new one. To keep with our social media branding, the website can now be reached at www.willcountythresh.org, www.steamshow.org is still active and either link will reach our website.
Pat made a motion to adjourn the meeting. It was seconded by Larry and was passed by all present.
November 14 Wilton Federated Church 7 PM
December 12 Wilton Federated Church 7 PM