September 8th, 2024

Download a PDF of the minutes here

Call to Order

Brad called the meeting to order at 2:40pm, and led us in the Pledge of Allegiance


Roll Call                                                                       -Lane Heatherwick

Lane called the roll. There were 10 directors, and 62 members and guests present.


Secretary's Report                                                     -Andy Rousonelos

Brad asked if everyone had received their minutes, and if there were any additions or corrections. Ron made a motion to accept the minutes as published. Mel seconded that motion, and it was passed by all present.


Treasure's Report                                                       -Fred Lestina

Fred reported we had income including a $157 for merchandise and $600 in sponsorships. Expenses included $375 for advertising, $645.60 for our appreciation dinner, and $2239.27 for fuel at the show. Jerry made a motion to accept the report as read, it was seconded by Russ, and it was passed by all present.


Old Business

Brad opened the meeting by thanking all of our wonderful cooks for a delicious picnic lunch, and to Charlie and Jean Kestel for hosting the picnic again. A lot of work goes into cleaning out the machine shed, and Jean always does a wonderful job decorating the shed and making the flower centerpieces for the tables.

Brad also wanted to express the club’s gratitude to the Spiess’ for allowing us to continue using their front yard, which makes for beautiful showgrounds that we always receive complements for.

Jerry reported that we earned $600 in donations at the Will County Fair, & we sold 366 pedal tractor raffle tickets, and 86 toy raffle tickets. This was our 3rd year helping senior citizens and handicap attendees in from the parking lot and it has been a great partnership with the fair. He thanked Jack Toepper & Dave Karl for the use of their tractors as displays for next years feature tractors. Jerry also thanked Jeff & Corey Brandau, Jim, Larry, Dave, Bob, Alan, Jim, Ray, Bob, Jay, Dave, Russ, Brad, Lane, Charlie, Chuck, Mel, and anybody else who helped. Jerry and Ron were given a round of applause for their work in setting up and running our booth at the fair.

New Business

Fred & Brad reminded everyone that the IH Collector Club Chapter 2’s Treasurer, Bill Schultze was lost in the Iowa floods back in the spring during Red Power Round-up. It got them thinking that the club needed a backup plan in case anything was to happen to Fred, and the club would need someone authorized to handle the club finances at the bank. The suggested adding Brad and Andy to our checking account as authorized managers and asked for input from the members. Jerry made a motion to accept the suggestion, and Chuck seconded it. It was passed by all present

Andy offered a review on the Central Illinois Green Club’s plow day held at the Rodney Schwark farm. This marked the 22nd year the plow day had been held and there were roughly 20 participants with many spectators. Rodney provided 60 acres to plow and served a delicious chicken dinner.

Brad reported that Bill Burnham’s M&W show was a success, and there were demonstrations on Combining, ear corn picking and shelling, and plowing. The weather was great and there was a good turnout.

There were no nominations for the election of the board of directors, and the following directors were re-elected by default: Fred Lestina, Brad Eike, Alan Heatherwick, Brian Kestel, and Andy Rousonelos. A motion was made to accept the elected directors by Chuck, it was seconded by Dave and passed by all present. Henry Reus has decided to step down from the board, and Jeff Brandau has volunteered to take his place. Jerry made a motion to accept Jeff to the board. It was seconded by Ray and passed by all present. There will be no change to the club Officers for the 2024-2025 year.

A round of applause was given to Brad for all of his hard work, and excellent club leadership he has continued to give us.


Alan made a motion to adjourn the meeting. It was seconded by Russ and was passed by all present.


October 10 Wilton Federated Church 7 PM

November 14 Wilton Federated Church 7 PM

December 12 Wilton Federated Church 7 PM


See more pictures in our Gallery Page


October 10th, 2024


August 1st, 2024