May 13, 2021 Meeting Minutes
Call to Order -Alan Heatherwick
At 6.58pm, our President, Alan Heatherwick, called the Director’s meeting to order.
There were 10 directors present. Alan stated that the sawmill is currently housed at Gaus’s, and Ron said he will haul it to the show site.
Lane was asked to look into securing generators.
Alan also requested chairmen volunteer for “Shuttle”, “Shelling”, and “sawmill”.
Charlie is still in charge of the Antique Tractor Pull. Our contract is signed, and the pull is scheduled for Friday. He explained that there will be a speed gun mounted on the sled, to comply with the rules agreed to by the Barnyard Pullers, which we are associated with. The price per hook, will remain at $20, and all pullers must be members. Copies of the rules will appear on the internet, and will be mailed to members who don’t have computers. Art Downs has agreed to be our announcer. There will be a lawnmower pull held on Saturday. The fee per hook will be $10, and there will be 4 classes.
Golf carts will be allowed at the show for a $10 charge and proof of insurance.
A blacksmith shop is being constructed. It will be done 2 weeks before the show. There are future plans to add to this shop, eventually showcasing tools run on a line shaft, which we already have. The engine that will eventually run this still needs parts.
Jessica Crane explained that our presence on Facebook is reaching a wide audience.
She also explained an opportunity for us to join the Manhattan Chamber of Commerce for $100. We would be listed on their website, and we could get a booth at their craft show, and sell our raffle tickets.
Larry made a motion to join the Chamber, with Jack Toepper seconding it. It was passed by all present. She also requested advertising to hang up around Manhattan.
Alan called the regular meeting to order at 7:42 pm, and led us all in the Pledge of
Roll Call -Brad Eike
Brad called the roll, with 10 Directors, and 26 members and guests in attendance. It was good to have Brad back, after his bout of Covid.
Secretary's Report -Charlie Kestel
Charlie made copies of the April 8th. meeting available to all who were in attendance.
Alan asked for any comments or corrections and there were none. Lane made a motion to accept the minutes as published. Andy seconded the motion, and it was passed by all present.
Treasure's Report -Fred Lestina
Fred reported income of $2781.64. Banners brought in $1100, Merritt Cagwin memorial donations of $770, dues gave us $370, Flea market earned $80, pedal tractor raffle gave us $120, tee shirts earned $41.64, and web site Banner brought $300.
We had expenses of $337.94. We gave Weekly Review $80 for pedal tractor ad, Grundy Bank $32.94 for new checks, and Alan was reimbursed $225 for show permits.
This leaves us a balance of $14018.57 in our checkbook. Jeff made a motion to accept the report as presented, with Chuck Uthe seconding that motion. It was passed by all present.
Old Business
Alan reported that our web site is finished. Our presence on Facebook is very popular right now.
Lane is looking for volunteers to act as crossing guards at route113 & Werner Bridge, and 102 & Werner Bridge Road. If no one volunteers, Lane will block intersections himself, and let everyone pass. He says there are 9 seats on our “Retired Driver Wagon”, and he suggested we charge $50 per person to ride. Larry made a motion to accept that price as reasonable. It was seconded by Terry Donovan, and was passed by all present.
Kim contacted Russell Publications, and found that they will advertise for us at the same rate as 2years ago. Carla, at River Valley Radio, suggested revamping our ad with Kim, and airing more ads closer to our Show time. There is also the possibility of putting our ad on all the stations at a cost of $2300, which figures out to $85 per day. It was decided to allow Kim to limit spending to $1500. Brad made a motion to accept this limit, seconded by EJ Johnson. The motion was passed by all present. Kim has also put an ad in the Southland Voice requesting crafters for our show.
Andy Partak reported that the Civil War Reenactors will be setting up camp on Friday evening, with their main focus on Saturday and Sunday. There are 6-8 reenactors already signed up, with more possible. The camp will be set up in such a way that encourages the public to walk thru. The camp also includes a laundress station, demonstrating how they kept their uniforms clean and mended. Andy says that the men have agreed to lead the parade of power, and they will be allowed to fire their weapons, using just powder for safety’s sake.
New Business
Alan has been in touch with the County and has received a temporary permit, which will be approved upon their inspection, on the first day of the show. Al also had to assure them that there will be no exotic animals in our petting zoo. Alan found out that Andy
Tordai has had a stroke. He is recovering slowly, and we send him our best wishes. His family will see that the box scraper will still be brought to the show for our use, and they will still be providing our petting zoo.
Open Comments
Jess needs advertising to hang up around Manhattan. Alan has ½ sheets available to anyone who will pass them out. She also questioned how the vendors and crafters are able to enter the grounds every day. We explained that they are given colored wrist bands that allow them entrance and exit each day. Club membership cards will also get you in, without the gate fee.
Terry showed us this year’s tee shirt. The price will be $15 for reg. sizes, with the x’s costing a little more.
Brad’s Comments
Brad reports that we have received the usual supply of catalogs and giveaways from Steiners. He also wants us to continue our banner sales. We could also use sponsors for our advertising and web site. There are numerous possibilities for sponsorships.
At 8:40pm Terry made a motion to adjourn the meeting. It was seconded by Pat, Larry and Russ, and wes agreed to by all present.
Membership meetings:
June 10th 7pm Wilton Center Fellowship Hall
July 8th 7pm Showground
OUR MEMBERSHIP YEAR BEGINS ON September 1 and ends on September 1 of the next year. Membership dues are $25, and can be sent to WCTA at 10917 W. Steger Rd. Frankfort, IL. 60423
Upcoming Events
Bonfield Tractor Ride June 19th
2021 Covered Bridge Antique Power Assn. Tractor Tour June 26,2021 & June 27th.
[Jean has reservation form and information available to copy]
Friends of Glen Ginder and Tractors for a Cure Memorial Tractor Ride and Show
Aug. 7,2021 $50 entry fee [includes pork chop meal following ride & box lunch at halfway point
September 11t Mackinac Bridge Ride