April 8, 2021 Meeting Minutes

Call to Order -Alan Heatherwick

  • At 7:00 pm, our President, Alan Heatherwick, called the meeting to order, and led us in the Pledge of Allegiance

  •  Roll Call -Brad Eike

    Brad called the roll with 10 Directors, and 25 members and guests in attendance.

  • Secretary's Report -Charlie Kestel

    Charlie made copies of the February 11th meeting available to all who were in attendance. Alan asked for any comments or corrections and there were none. Pat made a motion to accept the minutes as published. Lane seconded the motion, and it was passed by all present.

Treasure's Report -Fred Lestina

  • Fred reported income of $434.97. There were donations of $76, monthly meeting donations of $90, dues brought $25, $60 of tee shirt sales, and $183.97 brought in by pedal tractor raffle sales. Expenses totaled $390. Alan received $90 to pay for fliers, and $300 paid Ken Goodwin for our 501[c] 3 renewal. This leaves us a total of $11871.67 in our checkbook. Ron made a motion to accept this report as presented to us. Larry Duda seconded the motion, and it was passed by all present.

Old Business

  • There is web site progress. Alan said we now have a presence on Instagram, Facebook etc. Jessica is looking for pictures of past shows and events. Alan also made inquiries into printing raffle tickets in the Weekly Review, and placed in the Farm Bureau “Directions”, so they can be printed and sent back to us.

  • Lane reports that there is a new date for our Tractor Drive. June 12th has been selected, because of a conflict with other scheduled events. We will be touring NDY Manufacturing, located near Bonfield. Tentative arrangements have been made for our morning and afternoon snack stops as well. Lane has spoken to Jerry “the griller”, and he is going to provide the noon meal, as he did last year. Jim Robbins will be helping Lane, as there will be no FFA ride leaving from our show this year. It was suggested that we charge $100 per tractor entered. It was pointed out that lunch and a tee shirt is included in this charge. Jim Morgan made a motion to accept this charge. Henry seconded this motion, and it was passed by all present.

  • Charlie reported on the barnyard-pull meeting held February 13th. Alan and Lane attended with him. It was noted that there is a speed limit of 6 MPH for the 9000# and 10,500# classes, 4 MPH for the 7500# class, and 3 MPH for the 4500#,5250# and 6000# classes. The rest of the rules will be published before the show, but will pretty much remain the same.

  • Henry is hearing back from our vendors.

  New Business

  • Alan has been in touch with the County and has received a temporary permit, which will be approved upon their inspection, on the first day of the show. Al also had to assure them that there will be no exotic animals in our petting zoo. We also assured them we were ADA compliant, and had about 400 parking spaces. $25 was also required for our raffle permit.

  • Alan has been in touch with the Civil War presenters. They will come to our next meeting.

  • Lane has not found a field we can plow on Plow Day yet. A member suggested discing down the show wheat ground and plowing it again.

  • It was pointed out that the ½ Century of Progress will be held the same time as the Fair. Someone suggested that we ask Steve Spiess if he would consider taking his Big Bud tractor and our big plow to the progress show.

Brad’s Summary

  • Brad thanked Larry Marek for donating the Avery pedal tractor, and Bev and Bob Homerding for donating the AC pedal tractor. If we only raffle the Avery this year, the AC will be offered next year. We will be selling raffle tickets at the consignment sale on April 10th, and the I & I Show on July 8- 11th . If you can think of any other opportunities, please sell tickets. It is also time to sell show banners.

 Open Discussion

  • It was noted that our #6 JD corn sheller is in Lisbon. and we need to go look at it. We have a current copy of club assets, if anyone wants a copy.

  • Lane reported that our blacksmith shed is in progress, and should be ready for our show. He is also working on finding our parking attendants.

  • Al will start trying to apply for our Permit.


  • Larry Marek made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Jay. It was passed by all present.

Membership meetings:

  • April 8th, 2021 - Wilton Center Federated Church - 7 PM

  • May 13th, 2021 - Wilton Center Federated Church - 7PM

  • OUR MEMBERSHIP YEAR BEGINS ON September 1 and ends on September 1 of the next year. Membership dues are $25, and can be sent to WCTA at 10917 W. Steger Rd. Frankfort, IL. 60423

Upcoming Events

  • Peotone Consignment Sale - April 10th, 2021

  • Bonfield Tractor - Ride June 19th, 2021

  • 2021 Covered Bridge Antique Power Assn. Tractor Tour - June 26 & June 27th, 2021.

    • [Jean has reservation form and information available to copy]

  • Friends of Glen Ginder and Tractors for a Cure Memorial Tractor Ride and Show - Aug. 7, 2021 - $50 entry fee [includes pork chop meal following ride & box lunch at halfway point



May 13, 2021 Meeting Minutes


March 11, 2021 Meeting Minutes