April 14, 2022 Meeting Minutes

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Call to Order                                                                        -Alan Heatherwick

Our meeting was called to order, at 7:03 pm, by our president Alan Heatherwick.  He also led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call                                                                                -Brad Eike

Brad called the roll, and found 10 directors, and 18 members and guests present. A Sympathy card for the Andy Tordai family was passed around, so that our members could sign it.

Secretary's Report                                                             -Charlie Kestel

Charlie made copies of the Marrch10th meeting minutes available to all who were in attendance. Alan asked for any comments or corrections, and there were none. Terry Donovan made a motion to accept the minutes as published, Larry Marek seconded the motion, and it was passed by all present.

Treasure's Report                                                              -Fred Lestina

This month, Fred reported income of $458. We received $25 in dues, $94 in magnet sales, $120 in monthly meeting donations, and $924 from our pedal tractor raffle. Kim was paid $1000 for her work with the Crafters & Flea market. She also gave us $240 from fees. We had expenses of $4908 to Grainger Enterprises, $156 to Vericom for a banner, and a Mastercard payment of $312. Jean received $92.07 for office expense, Alan received $310 for the purchase of a Mic & speaker, $266.95 went to pay for 2000 flyers, and Marketing/PR expense was $510. We ended with $6098.03 expense over income. Lane made a motion to accept the report as presented. Ron seconded the motion, and it was passed by all present.

Old Business

  • Alan asked for ideas for a 60th year souvenir. Mugs, hats, key chains, can koozies and magnets were some suggestions.

  • Examples of our plaque and button were passed around by Jess. 

  • Brad says that we have sold almost all of our first printing of pedal tractor tickets. We will have more printed.

  • Ron had a scale inspector look over the scale we were hoping to use. The inspector estimated we would have to spend at least $2000 to get it working. We are looking into other options.

  • It has been taken to Christiansen’s for further work. While there, they discovered that it only needed a $350 weigh bar to put in working order. Terry made a motion to continue repairs on the scale, donated to us by Anzelc Welding. Andy Rousonelos seconded the motion, and it was passed by all present.

  • Small Farm tractor classes were discussed with Dave Wehrmann. Possibilities were adding a 2800#, 3300# and 3950# class. This all depends on our scale capabilities. He also suggested using safety hitches. Consideration has to be given for the pull to be over by Parade time, at 2pm. 

New Business

  • Jess told us that Andy Rousonelos has an interest in helping with our Communications Committee - virtual presence on website, social media and email. She has been working on increasing our revenue, getting new members, marketing, and organization. Jess will work with Andy getting us set up so that the Club will be more self-sufficient. She has switched our website focus to “the show.”  Raffle tickets can now be purchased online. Brad gets a notice, and he fills out the ticket stubs, while money goes directly to our checkbook.

  • Jess is working on press releases to go out to all the newspapers. 

  • Jess has been in touch with Suzi, at Mecum Auction, who has requested a tent positioned close to George Schaaf’s prairie tractors, as a space to advertise items in his retirement sale.

  • Mecum will make a 30 sec. promo, which will be aired on “Gone Farming” (RFD-TV) every Saturday and Tuesday, planning to start on May 7th. They have also expressed an interest in donating to our club. We understand Mark Corson has old videos that we might get permission to use.

  • Jess is also putting together a list of “sponsorship” opportunities. She informed us of the Manhattan 4th of July parade and the Manhattan Chamber of Commerce has invited us to participate in their Craft & Vendor Fairs held for the next 3 months. Last year we did not sell many raffle tickets but gave out lots of advertising for our show.

  • Jess has asked the club for any historical information (pictures, videos, memorabilia, etc.) so that we can digitize and save this information. If you have information to share, email WillCountyThresh@gmail.com

  • It was decided that the “Dolly Madison” trailer was not worth the money we would have to spend to get it ready to be our signboard. Russ thinks we should spend our money on getting the scale repaired before we rehab the trailer. The current layout was passed around again, for any possible changes.

  • Steve Tordai explained that it was his dad’s wish to donate $1000 to the club, and that there was a celebration of life held at the farm on April 23rd. The Tordai Family will still be bringing the petting zoo, and the horses and wagon to the show.

  • Lane explained that the Tractor Drive is still scheduled for June 11th. We will be leaving the show grounds, heading to Jim Morgan’s for our morning break, Lee Deutsche’s place for lunch, and the Heatherwick farm for our afternoon break. It will cost $75 per tractor and all drivers must be WCTA members or become a member at/before the Drive.

  • Lane also mentioned that we will use only one entrance for the show, but we cannot let cars back up on the road. He does have a backup plan.

  • Andy Partak will have a color guard of Civil war enactors to lead the Parade of Power on the weekend. He said there is a lot of interest among the different groups, so Al allowed him a little more room, with a potty available close by. They are also working on a skit to be presented Saturday and Sunday, maybe Thursday and Friday too.

  • Brad said we are receiving a $300 website sponsorship from Steiner, and $200 from Plainfield Signs. He has found a magician from Naperville who had availability for our dates, and he is scheduled.

  • Fred announced that he has only 2 show books left.


A motion for adjournment was made by Pat Noonan. Seconded by Jeff Brandau and was passed by all present.

Upcoming Events

May 12                                Club meeting, 7pm.   Wilton Church Fellowship Hall

June 11                               Tractor Drive   Leaving show grounds 8 am sharp

June 25 & 26                       Rockville, IN

See more pictures in our Gallery


May 12, 2022 Meeting Minutes


March 10, 2022 Meeting Minutes