March 10, 2022 Meeting Minutes

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Call to Order                                                                        -Alan Heatherwick

At 7:05pm, our meeting was called to order by our president Alan Heatherwick. He also led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call                                                                                -Brad Eike

Brad called the roll, and found 10 directors, and 22 members and guests present.

Secretary's Report                                                             -Charlie Kestel

Charlie made copies of the February 10th meeting minutes available to all who were in attendance. Alan asked for any comments or corrections, and there were none. Terry Donovan made a motion to accept the minutes as published, Jay seconded the motion, and it was passed by all present.

Treasure's Report                                                              -Fred Lestina

Fred reported monthly income of $560. We had donations of $390, dues of $95, monthly meeting donation of $45, and tee shirt sales brought us $30. Our monthly expenses totaled $950.39. Jean received $315.39 for postage and ink, printing expense of $125, and PR/ Marketing expense of $510. This leaves an overall monthly total of -$390.39. Ron made a motion to accept the report as presented. It was seconded by Andy Rousonelos and was passed by all present.

Old Business

  • Since we needed to redo the plaque, it was decided to substitute a JD Spoker D, and 4010 in the upper and lower right of our plaque.

  • Jean reported that with the temperatures at 68 degrees, the Irish Parade brought exceptionally large crowds. There were 47 entries in the parade this year, and we had no problem giving away all of our candy. Many Show cards were passed out to the adults too! Our volunteers were Al and Lane, Jay Roesel and Roger Rainford, Bob and Bev Homerding, Tim and Russ Jacobs, and Tim’s twin girls, Ron, and Charlie & Jean. Many thanks to them.

  • Al said that he had found a portable PA system, to be used on the people mover, for our volunteers to explain what was going on at each of our working stations.

  • The Club also received a bill from Grainger, for the rebuilding of our garden tractor sled. It received new tires and rims, new and stronger pan, new ends and more. He did give us a $500 discount, and the balance of the bill was $4908. Ron made a motion to pay this bill. Terry seconded this motion, and it was passed by all present. At present, our scale is still buried in mud.

  • We also discussed the addition of new classes [2000# or 2500#] to accommodate the tractors caught in between garden and the larger tractor weights. More discussion after we discuss this with Dave Wierman.

  • Henry reported that he has six food vendor contracts out. One has been returned, and we have “pizza 4 U” returning.

  • We then worked on the Gate Fliers. Corrections were made on our schedule, and it seems to be completed.

  • Lane reported that the sled has been taken to the painter. He will be painting it in three colors, at no cost to the club. Lane also said he ran into problems with the tractor drive, which he is working on. The date is still June 11th.

New Business

  • Eric Reibenstein contacted Brad and said a friend of his would like to donate a Honda 5 and 10 hp motor, to our club.

  • Dan Lowe is going to be the announcer for our Parade of Power. Alan has made a spread sheet for us to record information on entrants, using a number system. Terry has offered a laptop or a chrome book for this purpose.

  • The idea of having a large 8’x 10’, or 11’ x 17’ poster for display at the show, commemorating our 60th year, was suggested and discussed. Supporters could sign if they make a $20 or more donation to the club. Ron made a motion to approve the idea. It was seconded by Terry and was passed by all present.

  • Kim reported that she will work with the crafters, and flea marketers. She would like to be paid $1000 for this job.

  • Jess will be taking over all advertising.

  • Show Dates July 21 – 24 Set-up will start 1 week before

  • Our member, John Fahs is sick, and residing in Miller Rehab Center. Butch Bruegert is in assisted living in Watseka, with a stroke in his right side. Andy Tordai passed away March 20. His arrangements were private, but please keep them in your prayers.

  • Brad suggested a banner be made for the north side of the Dolly Madison trailer, as advertisement for our show. He thought it would work better than a decal. Terry suggested that we paint the side of the trailer first. These ideas were tabled until next meeting, so we can get costs, and decide if we really need it?

  • Brad will speak to a toy dealer he knows will be at the Sublette Show and ask if it is possible for him to come to our show. Brad also said we need a King and Queen for this year’s show, and he suggested Charlie and Jean. John Cronin made a motion for this to happen. Terry seconded this motion, and it was passed by all present.

  • Our 1 cylinder engine is torn apart. Jay is working on it and says $400 is invested so far.


A motion for adjournment was made by John Kestel. seconded by Russ Jacobs and was passed by all present.

Upcoming Events

March 27       Seneca Toy Show

April 9             Will County Consignment Sale at Fairgrounds

April 14           Club meeting, 7pm. Wilton Church Fellowship

May 12           Club meeting, 7pm, Wilton Church Fellowship

See more pictures in our Gallery


April 14, 2022 Meeting Minutes


February 10, 2022 Meeting Minutes