February 10, 2022 Meeting Minutes
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Call to Order -Alan Heatherwick
Our meeting was called to order by Alan at 7pm. He then led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call -Brad Eike
Brad called the roll, and found 10 directors, and 17 members and guests present.
Secretary's Report -Charlie Kestel
Charlie made copies of the January 9th meeting minutes available to all who were in attendance. Alan asked for any comments or corrections, and there were none. Pat Noonan made a motion to accept the minutes as published, Steve Spiess seconded the motion, and it was passed by all present.
Treasure's Report -Fred Lestina
Fred reported income of $430. $25 came from dues, and the balance was brought in from our Silent Auction, held at the Christmas Party. Expenses totaled $1545. We paid $10 to the government for filing our yearly 501[c]3 report. We paid the Wilton Center Church $600 for the use of their fellowship hall for our meetings and Christmas Party. We also paid $300 to our CPA, Ken Goodwin, who puts together our government report. $125 paid for our yearly membership in the Manhattan Chamber of Commerce, and $510 went for PR/Marketing expense.
Old Business
It fell to Brad to report on our Christmas party. His comment, “good food and great attendance,” was echoed by a lot of voices in the room.
Next on the agenda was picking a tractor to feature on the show button. After much discussion, and suggestions of JD tractors available, Charlie was asked to provide his JD 4010 as the model. The club thought his attendance at the meetings should be rewarded. A motion was made by Brad, and seconded by Lane, to make this happen, and it was passed by all present.
The plaque also needs an update. It was suggested that we incorporate a JD “Spoker” D into the design. Alan is going to talk to Jess for her help in tweaking the design.
The garden tractor pull sled and scale was next on the agenda. Ron reported that the sled has been taken to Grainger’s to be repaired. It should be done before the show. We have been offered a 10 x 16’ scale, which can be used for both lawn and big tractors. We were told that it hasn’t been used for 4 years, and we would have to get it working. Steve said he could arrange to place metal plates near the track to set it on. Ron is also looking into the cost to build a scale. Some donations have been made toward this project already. Lane made a motion to let Ron go ahead with this project. Dennis seconded this motion, and it was passed by all present.
Henry reported that we have lost the ice cream vendor, and Pizza 4 U to other shows. Jerry Shelton, “Between the Buns” has agreed to come back, and he will allow our advertising to be placed on his food truck, to be seen wherever he cooks. Henry is looking into other vendors to replace those we lost.
Brad is looking into a banner that we can mount on the “Dolly Madison” trailer, which will function as our own billboard
New Business
Advertising and Crafts were under discussion next. Jessie is willing to take over all the advertising, leaving Kim to manage the Crafters, and the Flea market. Kim sent her request to be paid $1000 for this. Decisions on this were tabled for our next meeting.
Lane was next to report on Tractor Drive and Plow Day. Jerry Shelton has agreed to cook for us, but we still need to order potties. He thought we could head toward Grant Park, possibly stopping at the Veteran’s Home, and then on to Beecher to view a tractor collection. This will happen on June 11th.
Plow day is yet to be determined. Lane also suggested a field trip to see the “John Lane Plow,” which is supposed to be the original. [came before John Deere]. Also in the same area is the New Lenox Depot, which was moved from it’s original location as a historic landmark.
Alan reported that we will again have our float in the Manhattan Irish Fest Parade. The parade is scheduled for March 5th, leading off at 11 am. We will be in position by 10:30. The candy has been purchased, and we need volunteers to walk the parade, handing out cards advertising our show, and candy.
Our Parade of Power needs better organization. A firm time for it, and someone to announce the entries will be found. Brad and Terry offered to be the directors in charge.
Brad has 12 people on a list, who are willing to ride the people movers, explaining what the public is viewing, and answer questions. We could use more volunteers for this.
We worked on our published schedule, handed out to guests, on the timing of when shelling, threshing, and sawing will take place. It was decided that the threshing will happen at 9:30am and 3pm. each day. Corn Shelling will happen at 11am, and 4:30pm, with Sunday afternoon skipped because of lack of corn. Sawmill will be active every day, all day.
The Civil War reenactors need to be worked into the schedule also. They might be able to put on a “skirmish” for the public viewing on Saturday at 3:30 on the track. They have offered to lead the parade of power with our flag, each day.
The Magician will also be there for a show on Saturday and Sunday
The Antique tractor pull is scheduled for Friday, with half the classes held at 10:00am, and the balance at 3pm.
The garden Tractor Pull will be held on Saturday at 9:30, with weigh-in at 8:00am.
The Frankfort Brass band will put on a show for us on Sunday at 1pm, followed by the parade of power at 2:00.
“Steam engine hauling expense is a donation opportunity. Some donations have already been designated for this. This is a big expense, so we can always use more.
Our show dates are July 21 – 24th. Set up starts the week before.
Terry made a motion to adjourn the meeting, it was seconded by Jeff, and was passed by all present.
Upcoming Events
March 5 Manhattan Irish Fest Parade 11:00am
March 10 Club meeting, 7pm. Wilton Center Fed Church Hall
April 14 Club meeting, 7pm. Wilton Center Fed Church Hall
March 13 Serena Toy Show
March 19 – 20 Sublette Toy Show
March 27 Seneca Toy Show