January 9, 2022 Meeting Minutes

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Call to Order                                                                        -Alan Heatherwick

At 1:00pm our president, Alan Heatherwick, opened the meeting, and led us in the Pledge of Allegiance. He also asked God to bless our Christmas meal, and all our work in planning the best show ever.

Roll Call                                                                                -Brad Eike

Brad called the roll and found 9 directors and 31 members and guests present.

Secretary's Report                                                             -Charlie Kestel

Charlie made copies of the December 9th meeting minutes available to all who were in attendance. Alan asked for any comments or corrections, and there were none. Pat Noonan made a motion to accept the minutes as published, Jack Toepper seconded the motion, and it was passed by all present.

Treasure's Report                                                              -Fred Lestina

Fred reported Income of $1279. We had donations of $1050, dues of $75, a monthly meeting donation of $65, and $89 in pedal tractor raffle sales. We also had $760 in expenses from donation to the Will Co. Sheriff Auxiliary, and PR/Marketing expense. This gives us an overall total of $519.00. Lane made a motion to accept the report as presented. It was seconded by Roger Rainford and was passed by all present.

Old Business

  • The next order of business is the need to pick a tractor to feature on our button. We also need to redo the plaque. Since this is our party, we will make this decision at our February meeting.

  • Ron was asked about the progress of our garden tractor sled and scale. He said the work is still ongoing.

New Business 

  • Alan mentioned that there is no date set for the plow day, and the tractor drive. That also will be discussed in February.

  • Brad reported that we have a good start on sales for our pedal tractor raffle. We need more volunteers to help this effort. If you could work for part of the show, so you can see the show itself, that would help Brad and the club. So far there are 3 shows coming in March. [see upcoming events.

  • Alan took time to thank Alan and Larry Christiansen for their help securing our use of the Church, for meetings every month, and our Christmas party.

  • Brad mentioned that since Connie Schuler’s retirement, we have no one in charge as Club Historian. Is there anyone interested in the job?

  • Remember our Show Dates:   July 21 – 24

  • Our Christmas Party provided us with a delicious array of food, provided by some amazing cooks. No one went home hungry! We ended our party with the raffle, and every lady there went home with a centerpiece. We hope it extended your holiday a little longer.

  • The silent auction sheets were gathered, and everyone paid for, and collected their items. We made over $400 for the club. Thanks to everyone who contributed and bid!

  • The Green Club will raffle a small John Deere this year. Their “Ride the River” tractor ride will be held August 22, so save the date.


Jay made a motion to adjourn the meeting, it was seconded by Larry Marek, and was passed by all present.

Upcoming Events

February 10                          Club meeting, 7pm. Wilton Center Fed Church Hall

March 10                               Club meeting, 7pm. Wilton Center Fed Church Hall

March 13                               Serena Toy Show

March 19 – 20                      Sublette Toy Show

March 27                               Seneca Toy Show

See all of the pictures in our Gallery


February 10, 2022 Meeting Minutes


December 9, 2021 Meeting Minutes