May 12, 2022 Meeting Minutes
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Call to Order -Alan Heatherwick
Our meeting was called to order, at 7:09 pm, by our president Alan Heatherwick. He also led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call -Brad Eike
Brad called the roll, and found 10 directors, and 17 members and guests present.
Secretary's Report -Charlie Kestel
Charlie made copies of the April 14th meeting minutes available to all who were in attendance. Alan asked for any comments or corrections, and there were none. Andy Partak made a motion to accept the minutes as published, Pat Noonan seconded the motion, and it was passed by all present.
Treasure's Report -Fred Lestina
This month, Fred reported income of $5785.00. $1000 was given to us by Andy Tordai. We collected dues of $75, the 50/50 raffle brought in $90, Steiner sent us $300 toward our website. Our 60th Banner has earned $320 so far, and John Fahs donated $4000. We had expense of $1101.50. Printing by Joe received $90 for 70 posters, $892.50 was paid for Marketing/PR work, and Cal’s Printing received $119.for printing 800 raffle tickets.
Old Business
An example of our 60th souvenir magnet was passed around for all to see. We agreed that we liked it, and Ron made a motion to place the order. Jay seconded the motion, and it was passed by all present.
Plaques were discussed next. We wanted the size to remain the same and the background color to be gold. The artwork will be updated with an image of a 4010, and a JD Spoker – D. We were asked to order soon, to be sure our order would arrive in time for the show. Larry made a motion to order 500 plaques. Pat seconded that motion, and it was passed by all present. We also ordered 500 buttons.
Terry announced that Norm Beasley, as representative for Ozinga, has offered to sponsor the Antique tractor pull for $1500. We really appreciate it! Charlie reported that the weight classes are 4500 lbs., 5250, 6000, 7500 [gas & diesel combined] 9000. 10,500 & OPEN. The Barnyard Class Rules we will follow, will be published in this newsletter. Hopefully, we can start at 10 am, so we will break for the parade of power, then finish the classes.
Ron reported that we are still waiting on the weight bar for the scale.
The small-frame Tractor Classes, 2000# and 3000#, were discussed, and Fred will add these to the garden tractor trophies that we need.
Steve has been busy in the field and hasn’t gotten our permit yet.
New Business
We need coal this year. Dennis is able to get 2 tons, and Roger will supply the wagon to put it in.
Al and Jess have been in contact with Suzy, at Mecum Auction, and they would like to host “George’s Grand Finale,” exhibit at our Annual Show.
The annual sponsorship list has been organized and will be published on our website…Brad is the contact person for Sponsorship.
Kim was unable to come to the meeting tonight, so there was no report on the Flea market.
The show layout was passed around for comment. Al said that the track might have to be adjusted a little.
Posters are available to those who need them.
5 Ads have been sold so far for our gate flyer. A mock-up was passed around. Brad is working on our 60th banner. Bob is working on banner sales, and Russ has coordinated Tim to donate $500 from Prairie Creek Grain. Russ also asked permission for the twins to have a 4-H info table in the kids tent.
Someone suggested that Ray and Ken Kestel should be acknowledged as our clubs founding members. Russ suggested that we put that on our 60th banner. It was also suggested that we might put it on our gate flyers in ad space.
Brad requested “facts needed” for the people – mover tour guides. We will be stopping at the crib/sheller, binder/threshing, and the sawmill. Eric reported that the saw blade has been touched up and is ready for the show.
A motion for adjournment was made by Russ Jacobs. seconded by Terry, and it was passed by all present.
Upcoming Events
June 9 Club meeting Wilton Church Fellowship Hall 7 pm
June 11 Tractor Drive Leaving show grounds 8 am sharp
June 25 & 26 Rockville, IN
July 21 – 24 WCTA Show Showgrounds at Spiess Farm
August 20 Ride the River Central IL. Green Club
September 11 WCTA Picnic Charles Kestel Farm
Register for the 2022 Vintage Tractor Drive Today! Please visit the event page or contact Lane Heatherwick for more details: 708-372-1939