June 9, 2022 Meeting Minutes

Download a PDF of the minutes here

Call to Order -Alan Heatherwick

Our meeting was called to order, at 7:02 pm, by our president Alan Heatherwick. He also led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call -Brad Eike

Brad called the roll, and found 10 directors, and 34 members and guests present.

Secretary's Report -Charlie Kestel

Charlie made copies of the May 12th meeting minutes available to all who were in attendance. Alan asked for any comments or corrections, and there were none. Terry Donovan made a motion to accept the minutes as published, Ron Schubbe seconded the motion, and it was passed by all present.

Treasure's Report -Fred Lestina

This month, Fred reported income of $9285.00 Display banners brought us $1250, and we have donations totaling $2390. We had paid dues of $25, $840 in flea market fees turned in, and $500 in sponsorship money, for the Garden tractor pull, donated by Prairie Creek Grain. $2500 in sponsorship money came from Mecum Auction, and Ozinga Concrete is sponsoring the Antique tractor pull for $1500. Magnet sales brought $30, and $250 in tractor ride money was accepted. We had expenses of $841. Jean was paid $116 for postage, and Brad ordered 2 golf carts for the show, and paid $750.

Old Business

  • Jess reported that she ordered 500 60th year Souvenir magnets, 500 buttons and 400 plaques.

  • Ron has been working on our scale and found out that the weigh bars on it were obsolete. That meant ordering 4 new weigh bars, and we hope we will have them by Show time.

  • Mr. Beasley, representing Ozinga, supplied the concrete for the new weights that were made for our revamped garden tractor sled.

  • It was decided to add a 2000#, and 3000# class to our Garden Tractor pull, to accommodate the small frame tractors.

  • Dennis reported that he has our coal.

New Business

  • Brad and Jess put their heads together to create a sponsor information sheet, which is published on the web. This explains our opportunities for potential sponsors.

  • Kim has 35 spaces available. The crafters will have 12 x12 spaces, and the flea marketers will have a 25 x 25 foot space.

  • Al Has gotten 1000 gate flyers, and he will be able to order more as needed. He also distributed “Director” ID badges to those who didn’t have theirs.

  • Jess let us know that July 15th will be the last Manhattan vendor fair. Are there any volunteers who could sit at a table and hand out show fliers?

  • There is a lot of attention for our show coming from Mecum. She also explained “Amazon Smile” to us and asked us to list the WCTA on it. Ray Kestel, and the beginning of the WCTA was added to the “about” page on our website. She also updated “Google Maps” to the show ground address.

  • Terry has the WCTA/Schaaf tee shirt design available. Regular tee shirts run $18; pocket Tees will run $21 for S to XL. Hooded sweatshirts are also offered for $33. 2XL AND 3XL will cost 2 and 3 dollars extra. Mesh back hats are offered at $20. See Terry to order. (815) 693-8290

  • He also handed out online order forms, which will be available for Jerry’s Food truck, “Between the Buns”. He hopes to shorten the wait time by letting you order and specify when you want to pick up your food. The cards will be available at the gate.

  • Jay and Lane have the 1 horse motor working. They eventually hope to incorporate it in the blacksmith display.

  • Steve Spiess asked that we fire the cannon to the south, so it doesn’t scare his neighbor’s animals.

  • Jess asked for “descriptions for sheller, etc. to be used on posters at each station.

  • Al said set-up will start on the 16th of July. Lloyd Christiansen has offered to donate cattle panels if we could help him take them down. He also reviewed the work list, so everyone knows what they are responsible for.

  • Bob asked when the roadside banners should be put up. Eric will arrange to have 6 fire extinguishers available.

  • Lane is also looking for volunteers to represent us at the Manhattan Parade on the 3rd. .

  • You can bring a tractor, decorated with American flags, following our Cook engine. Or you could walk and pass out fliers.


A motion for adjournment was made by Pat, at 8:07pm, seconded by Dennis, and it was passed by all present.

Upcoming Events

See more Vintage Tractor Drive pics in our Gallery Page


July 14, 2022 Meeting Minutes


May 12, 2022 Meeting Minutes