August 5, 2021 Meeting Minutes
Call to Order -Brad Eike
Brad called the meeting to order at 7:09 pm & led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call -Brad Eike
He also called the roll, & found 8 directors & 27 members & guests present
Secretary's Report -Charlie Kestel
Charlie made copies of the July 8th meeting minutes available to all who were in attendance. Brad asked for any comments or corrections, & there were none.
Ron motioned to accept the minutes, Dave Wehrmann seconded, & it was passed by all present.
Treasure's Report -Fred Lestina
Fred reported income of $29797.00 coming from sponsorships, concessions, display banners, donations, dues, & farm banners. We also had flea market income, gate income of $16496.00, pedal tractor raffle sales, golf cart fees, petting zoo donations, startup return, t-shirt sales & Tractor Drive payments.
Fred also reported expenses of 11,079.81 coming from advertising bills, sawmill expense, show expenses, supplies, & website. We have a total of $35,000.26 in our checking, but have more bills expected yet.
Terry motioned to accept the report. Henry seconded, & it was passed by all present.
Old Business
Jess Crane, our business strategy & digital design consultant, passed out copies of what is new on our website,, or It had a great list of how to navigate these websites. We are also present on Facebook, Instagram, & YouTube. She included directions on supporting our club through “Amazon Smile”, which is a way to support WCTA every time you shop at Amazon – no additional cost to you. You can find this informational handout on our website, Click HERE.
Jess also explained a public online survey of guest feedback on the Show. It asked questions like: How did you find out about the show, overall experience, favorite things at the show, etc. It also asked if you had any problems at the show, or areas we could improve. She got 59 responses, & overall people loved our show. Survey participants were old & young, men & women, members & general public. The bigger issues were parking, need for separate trailer parking, following the schedule, & more speakers around the grounds. Suggestions were posters explaining the history of farming, explanations of demonstrations, exhibits, etc., or maybe tour on the people mover. Additional suggestions included: More live music, a square dance, a local farmers market, addition of non-fair type/healthy food options (people noted they like both).
Russ had a lot of suggestions on improving activity in the kid’s tent. He heard lots of good comments but felt that Taters Train should be shut down during the Magic show. We also need: extra help in the tent, more train drivers, corn for the corn pit needs to be there sooner. Having the Kiddie pedal pull in the feature tent seemed to work well with 38 participants. Lane & Ron made a motion to give Sharon Jacobs a free membership for all her dedication to the kid’s tent, & it was passed by all present. Remember, she can’t do it alone! Brad said the magic show went well, but it cost us $1000 for two – ½ hour shows. It was sponsored, but hopefully we can find a magician who will work cheaper. The Face – Painting Lady was missed.
Andy Partak got a lot of favorable comments on the Civil War camp. We want them to be a part of our show next year. We really enjoyed the “skirmish” that they presented to us after the show ended for the day. They had 18 reenactors present from Friday night till Sunday.
Henry got good feedback about the food, but people were disappointed at the wait - lines at peak times. Ron says that the Garden Tractor Pull went well, but we must work on the pulling sled for next year. Jay reported that the people movers went well, although we could always use more drivers. Dennis reported that the corn shelling went well, & the bleachers always seemed full. Bob Fitzer, at 97 years old, came to enjoy our show with his family. He was really happy to be there with us & reminding his family about the good old days.
The Frankfort Brass Band was awesome, as always.
A Big Thank You to all who were involved in putting this show on!!!
Brad reported that we sold 1000 raffle tickets, & we will be pulling a winner at our Club Picnic. Picnic will be held on September 12th at the Charles Kestel farm (info below).
Lane reported that there were 18 members present for Plow Day. Thank you, Steve for making that possible. Lane contacted Rosatti’s in Manhattan to supply our lunch. They sent chicken wings, Italian beef sandwiches, & fresh chopped salad with all the trimmings at a reduced rate. Thanks Francisco, it was delicious! A big thanks also goes out to Tina Evans, who sponsored our lunch, & came out to enjoy the day with us. Tina Evans - Realtor, 815-409-5284. Contact Tina for your residential, commercial & land Real Estate needs!
New Business
Lane suggested that we give the Peotone FFA $900 for the great work they did for our show, volunteering to add $100, to make it an even $1000. Dennis & Steve Spiess made a motion to pay the FFA $1000, & it was passed by all present. It was helpful of them to register golf carts at the gate, as some were “forgetting” to take care of that in the office.
Lane also would like 4 volunteers to help with our plow at the ½ Century of Progress.
Next year’s Tractor Ride is planned for June 2, 2022
Next year’s show will be our 60th year. There was discussion on improvements on our advertising cards. There were 3 examples passed around
Brads Summary
The Green Club has their raffle ongoing at 6 for $5 with one of the tickets going into a separate pot for a $100 gift Certificate, before being returned to the regular raffle bucket.
Thanks goes to John Kiefner for storing 3 wagons of wood, for use at next year’s show.
Rev. DeVries encouraged our members to see Billy Graham’s son Franklin, who will be speaking at Chicagoland Speedway on Sept.19th, at 4pm.
Terry motioned to adjourn. It was seconded by John Cronin & passed by all present.
Membership Dues
OUR MEMBERSHIP YEAR BEGINS ON September 1 & ends on September 1 of the next year. Membership dues are $25. This can be paid on our website, at the show, at the picnic, or sent to: WCTA 10917 W. Steger Rd. Frankfort, IL 60423
Upcoming Events
August 26-29, 2021 Half Century of Progress Show.