November 11, 2021 Meeting Minutes
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Call to Order -Brad Eike
At 7:09 pm. our acting president, Brad Eike, opened the meeting, and led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call -Brad Eike
He called the roll and found 9 directors and 10 members and guests present.
Secretary's Report -Charlie Kestel
Charlie made copies of the October 14th meeting minutes available to all who were in attendance. Brad asked for any comments or corrections, and there were none. Pat Noonan made a motion to accept the minutes as published, Ron seconded the motion, and it was passed by all present.
Treasure's Report -Fred Lestina
Fred reported Income of $523.00. We had donations of $140, dues of $145, a monthly meeting donation of $126, and tee shirt sales of $112. We had expenses of $833.35 for a Show Directory ad, and 5 directories which we ordered and will sell. Other expenses included $30 for advertising, Club expenses of $299.77 for sawmill repair, and Master Card bill, office expense of $332.82, and web site expense of $510, bringing our overall total of $1482.94. John Cronin made a motion to accept the report as presented. Andy Rousonelos seconded that motion, and it was passed by all present.
Old Business
Brad reported that he and Fred attended the Dyersville Toy show, and it was very nice. He jokingly claimed that they brought home a “good truckful.”
Ron said that the corncrib is reasonably full. Two different pickers were used and there is enough for our show next year.
It was reported that Larry Duda’s Oliver Model 2150 FWA made the front cover of the “Heritage Iron” magazine. We applaud you for your hard work and pride in your equipment, Larry.
Jess was unable to attend our meeting this month, but she sent in her report, that Jean read. The website is going well, and right now we are concentrating on membership renewal. We will try to use more unpublished pictures in our next meeting minutes. People are successfully using the website to purchase their membership, and our most recent member lives in Dalzell, SC.
There is a “Parade of Lights” happening in Manhattan on December 4th. Our members have been invited to participate, so if any member wishes to participate, we have a copy of the rules. Line up starts at 5:20 pm, with start at 5:45.
Jess needs a copy of our 501c3 document, to try to get more donations during the giving season. She would also like pictures of this year’s harvest. Text or email them to her at /815-341-3250
Alan reported that he was able to deliver the Pedal Tractor to George Schaaf, that he won. He was pleased to have it and wishes to thank the club.
It was decided that we will be having our “silent auction” at our Christmas party again. It is a good money maker, so start thinking of something you would be willing to donate.
Christmas turkeys will be donated by Lane and Charlie, and ham will be donated by Al and Larry Marek.
It was decided that we will hold our Christmas party on the second Sunday in January [January 9, 2022]. The party will start at 1pm. And we will try to eat by 1:30. It will be held in the Wilton Center Federated Church Fellowship Hall, 14101 W. Joliet Rd. Manhattan, Il. 60442 [just down the road from the show grounds. For this event, we will go with the food schedule, with A-F bringing vegetable side dishes, G-M desserts, N-S salads, deviled eggs or rolls, and T-Z hot potatoes or stuffing.
It was suggested that we donate $600 to the church for allowing us to have our meetings and events there.
New Business
Al made the suggestion to get bigger plaques to commemorate our 60th year. Our usual size plaque will cost $3.35 a piece – for 200, $6.25 for 4 x 6size, and the large size would be $11.40 apiece. These are usually given to members and exhibitors. Are there any more suggestions? There will be more discussion at the next meeting.
Terry has been in contact with FFA coordinator and was told that there will not be a toy show in January, so a lost opportunity to sell our raffle tickets. He also mentioned that a friend is willing to put our advertising banner on his trailer. Fred made a motion to get a banner made for this purpose, with Andy seconding it. The motion was passed by all present.
Chuck Uthe suggested that we need a better way to identify tractors. Bob Satterlee liked the idea of having that information in a lap-top computer, but it creates more work for volunteer office staff. More discussion needed.
Russ Jacobs made a motion to adjourn the meeting. It was seconded by Jeff Brandau and was passed by all present.
Membership meetings:
OUR MEMBERSHIP YEAR BEGINS ON September 1 and ends on September 1 of the next year. Membership dues are $25. This can be paid on our website or sent to:
10917 W. Steger Rd Frankfort, IL 60423
Upcoming Events
December 9 Wilton Federated Church Hall 7 PM
January 9, 2022 Christmas Party Wilton Fed. Church Hall 1 PM