October 14, 2021 Meeting Minutes

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Call to Order                                                                                             -Brad Eike

Brad called the meeting to order at 7:07 and led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call                                                                                                      -Brad Eike

He called the roll, and found 9 directors and 29 members and guests present

Secretary's Report                                                                                   -Charlie Kestel

Charlie made copies of the September 12th meeting minutes available to all who were in attendance. Brad asked for any comments or corrections, and there were none. Ron Schubbe made a motion to accept the minutes as published, Lane seconded the motion, and it was passed by all present.

Treasure's Report                                                                                    -Fred Lestina

Fred reported income of $700, coming from Banner sales, magnet sales, dues, and the pedal tractor raffle. We also had expenses of $4579.92. These bills came from a Master Card payment of $161.92, a hauling charge of $3350, $558 to Plainfield sign, and $510 website charge, for an overall total of $3879.92 in expenses. John Fahs made a motion to accept the report as presented. John Cronin seconded that motion, and it was passed by all present.

Old Business

  • Lane reported that Ron, Charlie Jean, and himself got together and wrote out thank you letters to 12 individuals and businesses, plus an extra thank you to Steve and Cindy. He asked that if anyone knew of someone else needing to be thanked, they should let him know. He also reported that plans for the 2022 tractor ride are pending.

  • Jess reported that the Manhattan Chamber of Commerce invited the club to place an entry in their “Scarecrows on Parade.”  Bob and Bev Homerding, and Jean Kestel accepted the challenge, and created a farmer scarecrow, complete with a rat in his pocket, and a cow backing him up. Unfortunately, we did not win the contest, so start thinking of creative ideas for next year! Let us know if you would like to be on next year’s committee. You can view the entries via your web browser by visiting the Village of Manhattan website or Facebook.

  • She reported that Lane and Ron attended the FFA meeting and presented them with our donation. Also, our plow and Mr. Shaaf’s tractor were seen on Classic Tractor Fever.

  • Brad commented that we still need ways to make money, so we can have a super special 60th Show this coming year.

  • Fred ordered 5 show books for 2022. He also said that a ½ page ad in the “coming events section” will cost us $565. Ron made a motion to buy the ad, with John Cronin seconding that motion. It was passed by all present.

New Business

  • After some discussion, it was decided that we will hold our Christmas party on the second Sunday in January [January 9, 2022]. The party will start at 1pm. And we will try to eat by 1:30. It will be held in the Wilton Center Federated Church Fellowship Hall, 14101 W. Joliet Rd. Manhattan, Il. 60442 [just down the road from the show grounds]. For this event, we will go with the food schedule, with A -F bringing vegetable side dishes, G -M desserts, N -S salads, deviled eggs or rolls, and T -Z hot potatoes or stuffing.

  • It was suggested that we donate $600 to the church for allowing us to have our meetings and events there. Larry made a motion to do just that. It was seconded by John Cronin and was passed by all present.

  • Al suggested adding more classes to our garden tractor pull, but that would mean improving the sled and building a working scale. He thought the load cells might cost $300, and we might have Steve Grainger do the work. The question was, do we start from scratch, or rebuild Mr. Christiansen’s? We guessed at $1000 to be the total cost, but Ron, Lane and Larry Christiansen formed a committee to do some investigating.

  • Al will also interview old members for their opinion on the direction the club should go in the future. It was suggested that the directors need to be identified more clearly, when at the show. Director badges on lanyards? Russ will also need more help with the train.

  • Fred has found a wide-front JD 4020 pedal tractor with a wagon, in the box, in Minooka. Lane made a motion that he buy it. Pat seconded that motion, and it was passed by all present.

  • Craig Long, representing the Green Club, reported that they have scheduled “Ride the River” for the third weekend in August. They are also raffling a small “60” pedal tractor.

  • Jess mentioned that “Guide Star,” a pathway for non-profits, needs updating. She also created “save the date” for our next show. The Manhattan Chamber has also requested show cards that they can include in their welcome kits. She also got Mr. LaMore’s permission to use his picture.

Brads Summary

The Newark Toy Show, November 21, 2021. will be our first chance to sell raffle tickets. Help would be greatly appreciated.


Andy Rousonelos made a motion to adjourn the meeting. It was seconded by Chuck Uthe and was passed by all present.

Membership meetings:

OUR MEMBERSHIP YEAR BEGINS ON September 1 and ends on September 1 of the next year. Membership dues are $25. This can be paid on our website or sent to:


10917 W. Steger Rd Frankfort, IL 60423               


Upcoming Events

November 11 Wilton Federated Church Hall       7 PM

December 9 Wilton Federated Church Hall         7 PM

November 21 Newark Toy Show                         Newark High School 413 Chicago Rd. Newark, IL

November 6 -7 Dyersville Toy Show


November 11, 2021 Meeting Minutes


September 12, 2021 Meeting Minutes