September 12, 2021 Meeting Minutes

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This year’s Member Picnic was at Charlie and Jean Kestel’s farm, starting at 1 PM, with the delicious aroma of hamburgers, brats, and hot dogs, being grilled by Fred. Everyone brought their favorite side dishes. After John Cronin said the blessing, remembering all those who could not attend, and praying for the farmers successful and safe harvest, we dug into that wonderful food. We had a tasty selection of food to choose from, and no one should have gone home hungry!

We had a wonderful time visiting with each other, but we missed Al, our president, and others who were under the weather. After we were well fed, we continued with a short business meeting, and the drawing for the Avery pedal tractor.


Call to Order                                                             -Brad Eike

Brad called the meeting to order and led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.


Roll Call                                                                     -Brad Eike

He called the roll, and found 9 directors and 49 members and guests present


Secretary's Report                                                    -Charlie Kestel

Charlie made copies of the August 5th meeting minutes available to all who were in attendance. Brad asked for any comments or corrections, and there were none. Andy Rousonelos made a motion to accept the minutes as published, Larry Marek seconded the motion, and it was passed by all present.


Treasure's Report                                                     -Fred Lestina

Fred reported income of $801.50, coming from Banner sales, donations, dues, pedal tractor raffle, and tee shirt sales. We also had expenses of $10,591.75. These bills came from advertising, hauling, postage, show expenses, and web site expense, for an overall expense of $9,790.25. Lane made a motion to accept this report as presented. Ron seconded the motion, and it was passed by all present.


Old Business

  • Larry Eipers suggested that we save some of our extra money for possible lean years. Brad suggested that we use a portion of funds to pay down outstanding loans. This will be discussed in more detail at a future meeting.

  • Brad also wanted to extend a big “Thank You” to Al for all of his hard work, Steve Spiess and Cindy, for allowing us to continue having our show “in their front yard,” and thanks to all who made the show the success it was this year.

  • Lane gave us a report on the 1/2 Century of Progress Show, where our plow was put to use. He had help from Andy Rousonelos, Jim Jungles, and Phil Anzelc. The plow was pulled by George Schaaf’s Cross – Motor Case. Lane reported many interested comments from the audience. Jay Roesel and Lane were responsible for trucking it to the show.

  • Ron attended the Pontiac show and said Fords and Minnies were featured. The attendance was good.

  • Many WCTA Members attended the Bill Burnham Tractor Ride. There were 22 tractors and Max Armstrong was in attendance. They picked wide-row corn in the morning and shelled it in the afternoon. Everyone enjoyed a wonderful dinner in Bill’s shed.      

New Business

  • Lane, Bob, Charlie, Roger, Henry, and Ron were up for election. Brad asked if there was anyone who would run as director, from the floor, and there were no volunteers. Larry Eipers motioned that we accept all the directors for another term. Steve Spiess seconded, and it was passed by all present. There was a short break for a Director’s meeting. When they returned, it was announced that the officers would remain the same.

  • The pedal pull drawing was next on the agenda. Thanks to Bob, we have a small wire barrel to stir up our tickets better. We pulled Mr. Schaaf’s name, and he is now the owner of a pedal version Avery, to add to his collection. Congratulation George!

  • We also took the opportunity to draw names for the table centerpiece door prizes.

Brads Summary

  • Next year is our 60th show year. We would like it to be super special. We need more sponsors, so if anyone wishes to sponsor the tractor, or garden tractor pull, sawmill, feature tent, petting zoo, etc. please contact Brad Eike or any director for more info.

  • Lane also said that Al doesn’t feel well enough to be out, but he will answer calls and would love to hear from us.


Russ made a motion to adjourn the meeting. John Cronin seconded, and it was passed by all present.

Membership meetings:

OUR MEMBERSHIP YEAR BEGINS ON September 1 and ends on September 1 of the next year. Membership dues are $25. This can be paid on our website or sent to:


                        10917 W. Steger Rd Frankfort, IL 60423


Upcoming Events

October 14                  Wilton Federated Church Hall            7 PM

November 11              Wilton Federated Church Hall             7 PM

December 9               Wilton Federated Church Hall             7 PM


October 14, 2021 Meeting Minutes


WCTA Members at 2021 Half Century Progress Show